We live in a world of constant change, where it isn’t easy to know what the future will hold. As adults, we are often asked to put on a brave face and tell our children that everything will be okay. But how do you spread positivity when there is so much uncertainty? Luckily for us, there are many ways we can spread positivity in today’s uncertain world! This blog post discusses 11 different ways to spread more positivity into your life and make others feel better too!
Smile at people you pass on the street
Smile is a cutting-edge weapon against the onslaught of negativity and stress in today’s world. It has been proven that smiling can make you happier, healthier, more attractive, and even wealthier!
Smiling at a stranger on your way to work will immediately put them into a good mood-you should try it sometime! You never know how many people are fighting their own battles each day; spread happiness by making someone else smile for the first time all week. A little gesture goes an incredibly long way to improving someone’s day just because you were kind enough to notice them and bother with more than a passing glance. Even if they don’t return the favor or give anything back but gratitude, it was worth doing something so small for another person who matters.”
Give compliments to strangers.
Spread positivity by giving compliments to strangers. This is a great way to start conversations with people you may not know and spread positivity in the process! Offer your seat on public transportation or at work if someone needs it more than you.
Give up your seat for someone who would appreciate it more, like an older person or a pregnant woman. You will be making their day and spreading positivity around them because of the kindness they’ve received from someone else. Make sure there are other seats before offering yours, though, so this doesn’t happen too often!
Smile when you are passing by others. Smile whenever possible instead of sulking about how difficult things can get sometimes. It’s contagious – do enough smiling, and eventually, those around you might pick up.
Leave notes for someone who looks like they need a pick-me-up.
You can leave notes for someone who looks like they need a pick-me-up. You can also spread positivity with something as simple as a smile. A smile is enough to make the day better for many people, even when it isn’t your fault that person is unhappy in the first place! You could put up flyers around campus or town advertising an upcoming event and reminding people of all the great things going on right now. Or you could send positive messages via social media – imagine if every time one person shares their favorite picture from last night’s party or posts about how happy they are because their crush texted them back…there were five more likes instead of three; so much joy from doing something that takes no effort at all.
Hold open doors for other people.

You should have charming manners and be courteous to everyone you meet. Hold open doors for other people (and don’t let your friends walk through without holding the door open). This simple manner may help to lighten up a tense day.
When you’re in the elevator, hold open the door for someone who is following you into it to let them know that they are welcome there too. You may not think of this as being important, but people notice and appreciate these little things!
Tell your friends and family how much you love them every day, even if it’s just in passing.
You should express your love for the people in your life more often. Make a point to tell the people you love how much they mean to you and what’s different about them from day to day. This can be done at any time—in passing, during an argument when things are getting heated, or even with every single text message sent between two friends.
By sharing positive thoughts towards others regularly, you will encourage positivity in their lives and yours, leading to better health outcomes.
Deliberately listen to music that makes you happy or nostalgic.
Music is such a powerful thing. It can make us feel emotions that we didn’t even know existed in ourselves or bring back vivid memories of moments long gone by. Try to listen to music that brings you joy and happiness; maybe it’s something from your childhood like the soundtracks from movies or TV shows or a favorite artist who makes you nostalgic for simpler times.
– If listening doesn’t work, try watching videos on YouTube related to things that are funny and uplifting
There is an incredible amount of video content freely available on Youtube about nearly everything under the sun: people doing cute tricks with animals (unsurprisingly nicknamed “cutepets”), comedians making fun of themselves, celebrities talking about their careers as well as life advice, educational lectures about various.
Send a thank-you note to your favorite teacher, coach, etc.
Sending a thank-you note to your favorite teacher, coach, etc., is a great way to spread positivity in the world and remind them that they are appreciated.
Sending thank you cards or letters gives those people an extra boost of encouragement and appreciation for all their hard work – it’s one small thing we can do every day! It also lets other people know how much this person means to us.
Some experts recommend sending five handwritten thank you cards every week, which would be around twenty each month as long as these cards go out on time. Some choose instead to write just two per day so others could receive some gifts from them too on special occasions.
Give up your seat for an older person on the bus or subway
You can be the one to spread a little positivity in today’s uncertain world. One way is by giving up your seat for an older person on the bus or subway. It can make all of the difference!
This will show that you are willing to help people and want them to feel valued and appreciated. In this way, you may brighten their day and make them feel special. You may not notice the impact of your kind gesture on that person’s life, but you will be making someone else’s day brighter!
Share something nice with someone in need.

To grow positive aspects, share something nice with someone in need.
- Find a homeless person and give them food, drink, or money (or all three).
- If you see an older woman struggling to cross the street, lend her your arm as she walks across.
- Let somebody go ahead of you at the grocery store checkout line, which has few items.
Share some cheerful words when meeting strangers on public transportation by telling them where their bus stop is located if they do not know it already or simply saying hello. They may feel more isolated than usual due to recent changes such as security checks that have been implemented for safety reasons while walking through airports or commuter rail stations. In this uncertain time, we can remind one another that positivity lives inside us all!
Take some time out of your day to give back to others and make them feel good about themselves.
- Volunteer at a food bank or other form of charity. It’s so easy to give back, and it will make you feel better about yourself, too!
- Donate clothes/books/etc. To donate is an incredibly selfless act that helps someone who may not be as fortunate as you are. Plus, donating your used goods can help relieve some clutter from your life while helping others in the process!
- Help people on social media–answer questions they might have or send them something positive if they post something struggling with depression, anxiety, etc.
- Be kind all day long (kindness costs nothing!). A little kindness goes such a long way to spread positivity around the world.
Tell someone they look nice today.
When you are with a friend and tell them, they look nice today, add the following words.
– “You’re beautiful! You make me so happy when I see your smile.”
The positive emotions from thinking about these words will spread like wildfire through their body because they will associate it with this moment of happiness that we share. The energy of positivity is contagious!
Please send a text out of the blue to someone you haven’t talked to in a while to say hello, ask how their day is going, or tell them that they are important in your life.
By sending a text out of the blue, you can brighten someone’s day and bring a smile to their face. If they are having a bad day or week, just hearing from you can make all the difference!
The next time I see my friend, who is going through hard times right now, I am planning on texting them for no reason other than checking up on how they are doing and telling them that what they are experiencing will not last forever.
Doing this will also mean so much more because it was done without any expectations in return! You never know if your texts might be exactly what your friends need to hear. There is always someone out there who needs some support, too; don’t forget about supporting one another.
Reach out to an old friend who may be feeling lonely these days

When you are alone, you can feel lonely and cut off from the world. If you have friends who are feeling this way, reach out to them! Check up on how they’re doing or send a text to say hello. You may be able to help make their day brighter in some small way by giving someone else the chance to talk about what is going well for them today.
When others are feeling lonely, reach out to them. Reach out in the form of a text or call to say hello. You may be able to help make their day brighter by allowing them to talk about what is going well for them today and give you a chance to listen without judging!
Read something positive on social media (like this blog post!) and share it with others!
To stay positive and spread positivity, it is important to stay away from negative media. You can do this by picking a positive article (like this one!) and sharing it on social media so more people can see the good in others.
Another thing you can do to help spread positivity is by writing something positive about someone or something! Share your message with everyone who visits your blog post, and make sure you tag them if they are not already following you. If someone has written a post like this, please share their link as well!
As always, be nice to yourself too when trying these things! Reading through blogs similar to mine will give us all much-needed encouragement during hard times.
Listen more than talk.
If you want to show positive behavior, listen more than you talk. It’s easy to criticize or point out problems with people when we get together to solve them. But the best way is just listening and asking questions that will help others feel heard so they can find solutions themselves. There are dozens of ways to show empathy towards someone else simply by showing your interest in what they’re saying without offering advice or judgment.
- Sit closer to a person if possible.
- Show an authentic response – nodding head, making eye contact, smiling
- Ask specific questions about their experience rather than general ones like “How have things been going?”
- Reflect on what has been said (paraphrasing) before continuing with other content
At last,
One of the best ways to make someone’s day is by spreading positivity. Smile at them when you pass on the street, give compliments and hold doors open for strangers, tell your friends and family how much you love them every day, even if it’s just in passing, deliberately listen to music that makes you happy or nostalgic, send thank-you notes to people who have helped you out (like a favorite teacher), give up your seat for an older person on public transportation – all these little. Still, meaningful gestures can go a long way toward making their lives better! If this sounds like something worth doing more often yourself, too, then follow our lead. We want everyone to live life with happiness.