We all face obstacles in our lives, some of them small and others big. Whether it is a financial obstacle or an emotional one, removing obstacles will take time and effort. It can also be difficult to know where to start or how to proceed on your journey. Eighteen steps that you can take when faced with any obstacle, no matter how large or small!
Identify the obstacle
Identifying the obstacle is the first step in removing obstacles. You must identify what just happened to cause this obstacle and analyze how big an issue this is for your business. The bigger the problem usually means there are more steps needed to overcome the obstacle.
For example: If a competitor launches a new product into their market before yours, then you need to take action as soon as possible, or they will gain all of your customers while you work on getting back up onto your feet. You also want to figure out if these obstacles are common with businesses like yours so that you can learn from others who have dealt with similar problems and find solutions faster.
Recognize that it is an obstacle and not a problem
Recognizing that it is an obstacle and not a problem is the first step in removing it. This may sound counterintuitive, but treating an obstacle as a problem adds to the stress and will make it harder to overcome.
You are working on something very important for your business, and someone interrupts you every two hours with trivial questions. It would be easy to see this person as frustrating, distracting, or even sabotaging your efforts. But if we look at the situation differently — without judgment of why they keep interrupting us — then we can more likely remove them from our work environment so that we can focus again on what is most important to achieve our goals while keeping morale high when interacting with anyone else who needs attention during this period instead!
Think of all the positive aspects of overcoming this obstacle
Positivity can help to overcome any obstacle. One way to get rid of a bad day is by thinking about something positive from the past or dwelling on what’s ahead in life.
Allowing yourself time to relax and take care of your mental health can also help you overcome obstacles. Find ways that work for you, such as meditation, exercise, art therapy—anything that gets your mind off of things and takes some pressure off of you will do the trick!
Set a goal for what you want to accomplish in overcoming this obstacle

A goal of getting out of debt may be more specific than a general, unspecific goal like “I want to get out of debt.” Your steps might look slightly different for these two goals because the first one is very concrete and has an end-point, whereas the second is not finite.
Write down your plan on how you will overcome this challenge.
When you are in an obstacle, write down how you will overcome it. Consider the root of the problem (what caused it in the first place) and try to solve that instead of just dealing with a symptom. What are some possible solutions or things you could do differently, so this doesn’t happen again? Is there an alternative solution to solving your problem, even if it seems unlikely at first glance? For example, I want my website content to rank better on Google: One way I can accomplish this is by making sure every page has relevant keywords in its title tag or header tags; Another way may be through link building campaigns which would provide links from other websites back to mine).
Get help with your plan from someone who has experience in overcoming obstacles like yours.
You can take support from someone who has already been on the same journey that you are currently taking, and they can help show you how to overcome obstacles. If this is not an option for you, there are still ways to get outside perspectives in overcoming your obstacle. Please take a look at someone else’s story of overcoming their obstacle. This will give you more insight into what it takes to succeed, even though things might seem impossible right now.
Find communities online who have similar stories or interests as yours: This way, those people understand what it feels like when facing something difficult, and others who could relate may be willing to offer support for removing obstacles from these groups would be good too!
Consider your mindset
Set up your mind when you are in obstacle-ridden circumstances. Consider the following thoughts: “I am in an obstacle-filled circumstance, but this does not mean that I cannot overcome it.” or “In a perfect world, there would be no obstacles to overcome – but we don’t live in a perfect world.” You can do anything if your mindset is set on overcoming the obstacle.
This will help create positive energy around what seems like a negative situation and allow you to focus more on finding ways of removing the obstacles instead of feeling stuck by them.
If you find yourself thinking negatively about your capability to remove these obstacles, stop immediately! You can always ask for help from others who are also trying their best for all of those involved.
Make a plan
Don’t be rush when you are in an obstacle-ridden situation. Instead, try to clear your mind and think of a plan that could help you overcome these obstacles in the future.
Try to break down all the problems into smaller parts so it will be easier for you to solve them one by one. For instance, if you are struggling with financial difficulties, list out all your expenses and see what’s causing the problem – whether it’s credit card debt or medical costs or car payments. The more specific your plan is (i.e., “I need $1000 dollars next month”), the better chance there is for success because now when I’m faced with an obstacle, I know exactly how much money needs urgently, which can lead me to solutions like refinancing my mortgage on home equity.
Take action to overcome the obstacle.

Your timely plan and act to overcome the obstacle should be as soon as possible.
- This can help you get out of your way to be free from any difficulties and problems.
- It is important for one not to want to dwell on their negative feelings or thoughts, which might lead them deeper into depression if they keep thinking about the bad things happening in their lives.
- Instead, try hard to concentrate on what has worked before and will work again now.
Brainstorm ways to get around the obstacle
To get around the obstacle, you’ll need to brainstorm several ideas on how to get around the obstacle. Brainstorming might include coming up with a workaround, finding resources from other people or companies that will help solve your problem for you, making adjustments in your work environment or habits, so they don’t create problems down the line, and asking someone else more knowledgeable than yourself if there are any strategies not yet considered.
You can also research solutions online by looking at articles about similar issues and checking out success stories from others who have solved this type of issue before. Sites like YouTube provide many different options for inspiration as well!
Take action on a plan of action.
An action plan for every obstacle is needed to overcome it. If you don’t have a plan, how can you execute it?
A good action plan includes the following:
- What do I need to achieve my goal? (What are your next steps?)
- When will those steps be taken, and by whom? (Dates)
- How much financial or other support does this require? (You may want to include milestones)
Once the obstacle has been removed, create an action plan for what’s next on your list of priorities. For example, if removing that pesky spider in your house was a priority because it scared you every time he crawled across the floor–you might make killing spiders one of your goals during budgeting.
Revisit each step and make adjustments as needed
You have made a plan to overcome the obstacle and revisit the plan. The steps are too long to be read in one sitting; consider breaking them up into smaller parts.
- Understand your limitations and focus on what you can do
- Be honest about how much time you have for a task
- Set realistic deadlines without over-committing; then start with the easy tasks so that they will not seem overwhelming later on
- Remember that it’s never too late or too early to start something new – create a system of accountability by writing down everything done each day. This keeps the momentum going and shows progress when looking back at previous days’ accomplishments. It also helps determine where there may need to be more effort to eliminate obstacles faster than expected.
Keep up the great work, and don’t give up hope when facing challenges

You should keep up the great work and don’t give up hope when facing challenges.
- Find someone who has successfully overcome the obstacle you are faced with.
- Reflect on what these people would do in your situation, and then try to emulate their actions as best you can, even if it feels like a stretch for now.
- Remember that changes will add up: every day, we make progress because of our small achievements or failures, which create new habits, attitudes, abilities, etc., so keep practicing!
Remember that there is always another solution out there waiting for you; all you have to do is find it 🙂
Keep in mind that there is always another solution out there waiting for you; all you have to do is find it 🙂
- Remember that there are always other solutions.
- Try various methods of removing the obstacle.
- Focus on how your obstacles make life harder and not easier, try thinking about what motivates or excites you as a way to change perspective.
- Be patient with yourself: don’t be too hard on yourself if things aren’t working right away! If needed, take some time off (or at least step back) from solving this problem so that fresh thoughts can come in when they’re almost ready. And remember: sometimes we need help! Find someone who will listen patiently without judgment, then talk through the issue/s.
Remember that sometimes setbacks are opportunities in disguise
Sometimes setbacks are opportunities in disguise–like how many people see getting laid off from a job as the chance to start something new rather than giving up.
Other times, it can be difficult to tell if we’re facing an obstacle or not–like when you feel that no one’s listening to your idea, but they are taking notes on what you say. While these types of problems might initially seem frustrating, remember: obstacles happen for a reason, and there is always light at the end of the tunnel!
Celebrate success! You’ve overcome an obstacle!
And finally, you have overcome an obstacle! Now, it’s time to celebrate this achievement. You deserve a reward! You’ve done well, and you can allow yourself to feel proud of your accomplishment. This is the perfect time for some self-care, or if you have others around to help, share in your celebration by rewarding them as well. After all, they helped get you through, so be sure that their efforts are not overlooked either. Give everyone involved what they need at the end of an obstacle course race like water bottles filled with ice-cold lemonade on a hot day or cups of coffee after hours of work when caffeine seems impossible but necessary; whatever works best for each person individually and collectively because teamwork makes “The Dream” possible.”
Summing Up,
If you’re struggling to make progress on a goal, ask yourself the following questions. What is the obstacle? Is this an obstacle or a problem? Can I think of any positive aspects of overcoming this challenge? Who can help me get around it if I need some advice and encouragement along the way? How will my mindset affect how successful I am in trying to overcome this hurdle, and what steps do I need to take so that it’s easier for me to accomplish my goals without setbacks from time to time? Once you have answered those four questions, come up with a plan on how you’ll go about achieving your objective. Please write down your thoughts because they are most likely helpful reminders when things aren’t going as planned!