When you are feeling unmotivated, it can be hard to get out of bed in the morning. It seems like there is no motivation, and your willpower has taken a vacation. But there are ways to find that motivation and avoid a great deal of frustration with mornings! This blog post will cover some easy steps that anyone can take to find your motivation To get out of bed.
Make a list of your motivations.
You should make a list of the things that motivate you. This could be anything from the breakfast your grandma makes to a favorite TV show or even something as simple as setting the alarm for yourself.
If one of these things doesn’t work with what you have going on in your life right now, then it might be worth trying out some other motivation methods instead. There are countless articles and videos about various ways people find their motivation, so finding new solutions won’t take long.
Set goals to motivate you
A well-planned goal helps you to stay motivated. It is important to set achievable and measurable goals so you have a way of knowing whether or not your goal has been accomplished.
The following questions can help guide which goals are realistic for you:
- What are my strengths?
- What one thing am I best at doing in the world today? (not what I want to be good at, but what I’m able)
- What do people enjoy about me when they’re around me?
- And finally, what makes it hard for me to say no/ignore opportunities even if there’s something else more important going on right now?
These questions will start to paint a picture for yourself of who you ARE as an individual with all.
Please write down the things that make you happy and do them
Note down the things that make you happy and do them. This does not mean that you should quit your job, but it means to schedule in time for the things you enjoy outside of work and other obligations.
Often we get so caught up with what needs to be done daily that we don’t take care of ourselves first before anything else. If this is causing problems for you, then try doing something every day or week just for yourself without any obligation coming from someone else – like taking an hour out of each weekend morning to go somewhere by yourself and read a book; or spending some time detailing your car because it’s been collecting dust while at home all winter long.
Get enough sleep so you can wake up with energy.
Sound sleep is essential for energy levels. If you don’t get enough sleep, your motivation will be challenged by the morning time. The National Sleep Foundation reported that adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep every day to feel refreshed and energized for their busy days ahead in a new blog post on Huffington Post.
We all know what happens when we have not had enough sleep: we become irritable, our reflexes are slower, and it is difficult to focus or even stay awake. That’s why getting at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night is so important—it ensures us a good start the next day because if we’re well-rested, then there’ll be no lack of motivation!
Reward yourself for meeting your goals

You can get the motivation to get out of bed in the morning by rewarding yourself for meeting your goals. For each day you meet a goal, give yourself something like time to watch TV or go shopping with friends; this will keep motivation high and remind you of what’s waiting if you can get up early again tomorrow.
You are for getting out of bed but don’t do anything about it afterward. If every day there are rewards at the end, then why bother waking up? You need a way to make sure you’re motivated before as well as after making those difficult decisions about when to stay under the blanket.
Take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting exercise, etc.
You can take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting exercise and doing things that you enjoy. You need to take care of yourself, so your body is well-rested, and your mood will be better for when it needs motivation the most.
It’s important to remember, though, as mentioned initially, sometimes we don’t have any energy or motivation left over at the end of a long day because our tank was empty from all the other days before this one. It can feel like there isn’t enough time to make everything happen, but what needs to happen?
We’re not asking people who are trying their hardest every single moment to succeed on all fronts with perfect timing – they might have too many balls in the air without realizing how quickly each one falls back down.
Figure out what time you need to get up to get everything done
First of all, you will need to figure out what time you need to get everything done. If it’s not enough hours, you will have to change your daily routine, which may be difficult but can certainly help.
There are a lot of people who feel the way that they should sleep as long as possible and push their clock later so they can get more rest; however, this is completely counterproductive because when we’re tired at night, our body tends to produce less of the hormones that energize us and help us wake up feeling refreshed.
Create a list of tasks that need to be completed for the day and prioritize them
If you are curious about what your day should look like, create a list of tasks that need to be completed and prioritize them. Some people find it helpful to break this down into different periods throughout the day: morning routine, work tasks, after-work activities etc.
This way, you can wake up knowing exactly what needs to get done for the entire day in order of importance which will help keep motivation high.
Another strategy is not making any decisions until breakfast, so you are not faced with difficult choices about how much sleep or exercise you want at night because there’s always going to be something on the agenda!
Breakfast is also an excellent opportunity for socializing and eating healthy foods before starting on our journey for the day.
Wake up early, so you have more time in the morning

An early riser can enjoy more time of the day, and it is a great way to start the day off strong. Waking up early also helps with motivation because you can get more done before the busyness of your workday starts or just when everyone else wakes up and rushes to their jobs.
If waking up in the morning has been an issue for a while now, gradually increase how many things you do each morning hard to do after being asleep all night long. Start by reading one page from a book (that’s already sitting on your bedside table), drinking water first thing, taking vitamins if necessary. As time goes on and those habits become easier, move onto harder but still manageable activities like doing stretches or going on a short.
Set an alarm
You can set the alarm on your phone or computer as a reminder to wake up, but make it something that isn’t jarring or annoying, like a buzzer sound or alarm clock sounds.
This will help you slowly become more alert and awake with the sound of your voice instead of an alarm going off in your face that makes you want to shut it off immediately so you can go back to sleep!
Make your bed first thing in the morning to give yourself a sense of accomplishment.
A decorative bed first thing in the morning can give you a sense of accomplishment. It’s hard to get out of bed on a bright and sunny day, but if your bedroom is all done up in relaxing colors, it will be much easier for you to leave that warm, cozy space.
After making my bed, the next thing I do is drinking some water with lemon juice squeezed into it. This gives me energy from hydration as well as motivation because the taste helps wake up my senses!
Drink a glass of water before getting out of bed
A glass of water before getting out of bed can do wonders. It’ll hydrate you and make you feel more awake, which will give your motivation a boost!
Drinking water before bed can increase the amount of time it takes to fall asleep by as much as an hour. If you’re trying to get up early for work (or anything else), this might not be such a good idea – but if getting out of bed in the morning is tough with no energy, drinking some water first thing could help.
Turn on some light music.
You can turn on some light music, like soft jazz, classical or instrumental songs without words, to start your morning off more peacefully. There’s no better way to wind down than with some calming tunes before bedtime.
Start in the evening by setting up a playlist on YouTube of the genres and artists you enjoy listening to at night so that it will automatically be playing when you wake up in the morning!
If there aren’t any light-hearted songs in your favorite genre, then look for chillout music – these are generally long tracks made up of several different parts (often just repeated). You can find lots of links to playlists on Spotify, Pandora or other streaming services too.
Put on some makeup if that’s what gets you going in the morning

Put on some makeup if that’s what gets you going in the morning – it will help wake up your skin and look fresh for work or school!
Don’t hit the snooze button. Seriously, don’t do it. You’ll feel more tired when you finally get out of bed because there is a 20-minute sleep cycle every time you’re awake enough to think about how much better sleep would be right now…and then go back to sleep again.
Workout before work: Self-care first thing in the AM is motivational and therapeutic, with all those endorphins floating around. Plus, if you can’t shower at home after this workout, no problem–you’ve already accomplished one task ahead of schedule.
Some common FAQ’s
How do I motivate myself to get out of bed?
Someone may ask this question, and it is a reasonable one. Getting out of bed can be difficult for many people because they are so used to sleeping in late that getting up becomes an act of willpower rather than habit.
The key to finding motivation may come from looking at what you need or want most before laying down for the night. Do you have any unfinished tasks? Did anything bad happen while you were awake today? Are there things on your mind like worries or fears? Remembering these thoughts will likely motivate someone enough to get out of bed tomorrow morning, if not tonight.
What is a Dysania?
Dystonia is a chronic feeling of sleepiness and lack of motivation.
- Symptoms: feeling tired, lazy, difficulty concentrating on tasks or activities
- Causes: depression, anxiety disorders (such as generalized anxiety disorder), bipolar moods swings, circadian rhythms disruption
- Treatment options: getting more exercise throughout the day, maintaining a routine that includes healthy sleeping hours, using medication to help manage symptoms such as antidepressants and antiepileptics can relieve chronic dysania in some cases.
What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?
Have you thought about what it would be like to wake up every morning ready for the day? Unfortunately, most people don’t have this motivation.
Writing about motivation is a challenge because everyone’s different, and many things motivate us, from our career ambitions to seeing sunlight in the mornings.
We can find motivation in anything- even if it’s just one thing at first or something we’re not too interested in doing but know we need to get done. We all want what motivates us on some level, so why not figure out how you can start living with more of your motivations? It doesn’t matter where they come from as long as you use them to move forward!
How do you get out of bed when you don’t want to?
It is a question of motivation. Just like any other goal, you need to know your motivation to achieve it and get out of bed when morning comes.
Many people have a hard time waking up because they don’t see the importance or benefit of getting out of bed before noon. If this is the case for you, then why not start by figuring out what motivates you?
Many things might motivate us – some want more money while others want to feel better about them, or maybe they want their kids off their back! Whatever it is, we all need something in our lives that makes us feel important and loved and satisfied with ourselves so we can wake up feeling good rather than sluggish every day.
Summing Up,
It’s easy to get into a rut and start slacking off. The good thing is that there are plenty of things you can do to motivate yourself every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. When you take care of your body by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly-you’ll find motivation much easier to come by. Whether you’re waking up in the morning or trying to finish tasks at night, some ways might help you find more motivation throughout each day so you can accomplish all your goals! Your turn… what tips have helped YOU stay motivated? Let us know below in the comments section!