If you are like many people, there’s a part of your past that haunts you. Maybe someone did something to you, or it was an addiction or bad habit. Whatever the case may be, it has created problems in your life for years and even decades. You have tried different things to become free from it, but nothing has worked. Maybe you feel hopeless about it all, but know that there is hope! Making Peace With Your Past Is Essential For Success
Learning to forgive yourself for your past mistakes is the key to becoming free from them. Many people think that forgiveness means condoning or excusing what happened in their past, but nothing could be further from the truth. Forgiveness does not mean you are saying it was okay for the other person to hurt you. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.
Forgiveness means that you choose not to allow the action that happened in your past to continue creating problems for you now or into the future. You can forgive but still set appropriate boundaries and take care of yourself where needed. Forgiveness is freeing yourself from the pain that the past has caused.
Forgiveness is not forgetting but letting go of the hurt so you can move forward with your life. So often hold on to the memories of what happened in our past and allow them to control our present. Try thinking about how much time you have wasted obsessing over the past.
Many people choose to blame others instead of forgiving themselves for their mistakes. They may say that it’s not their fault or that others are responsible for what happened in their lives. You did play a role in what happened, and you can either continue to beat yourself up about it or forgive yourself and choose to put it behind you.
The other choice is to cling to the pan and allow it to define who you are as a person. Instead of looking at yourself as a victim, look at yourself as someone who has survived and thrived despite the challenges. Look at how your past experiences have made you stronger and given you the wisdom and compassion you have today.
We all deserve to be happy, but happiness will continue to elude us until we learn how to forgive ourselves. Trying new things is good, but sometimes doing the same thing repeatedly doesn’t work. If your past continues to haunt you or hold you back, then it’s time for a change. Maybe you need to forgive yourself, maybe it’s time to let go of the past and continue walking down your path, or it’s time for something new entirely.
The choice is yours, but no matter what you choose, do not allow someone else’s actions in your past to define who you are as a person today. Whether intentional or not, only you can choose how to let them affect you. You have a choice in everything that happens to you, so choose peace and forgiveness for yourself…for your own sake.
How can I make peace with my past?

Here, we will be sharing 12 suggestions on how you can make peace with your past.
1. Forgive yourself
The first step to making peace with your past is to forgive yourself (if you haven’t done so already). You are not responsible for someone else’s actions or behavior, but you are responsible for how you choose to deal with the consequences of these past events. By giving yourself a break from what has happened in your past, you will be opening the door to a more positive and peaceful relationship with yourself. Once you have forgiven yourself for what has happened, you can move forward.
2. Stop taking it personally
Many people blame themselves for things that go wrong in their lives. You must not let these negative thoughts enter your mind. If you experience a setback, don’t automatically think it’s your fault. Look at the situation objectively and try not to read too much into the experience. Do you think that everyone who fails gets punished? Or do people fail for reasons that have nothing to do with you? It is essential to stop taking things personally and see the bigger picture.
3. Know where you came from
Your past gives you valuable information about yourself and your future! Think about all of the positive things you have gained from your past, even if they were unpleasant. Once you realize how much stronger and wiser you have become because of what you have experienced; then your past will become more of a guide than a prison.
4. Be thankful for what you have
Instead of dwelling on all that could have been or should have been, think about what is good in your life and give thanks for your blessings. If you are faced with obstacles in your life, study them and learn how you can overcome them. Take the time to identify what you need to do differently or work on changing your current situation.
5. Don’t compare yourself to others
It is human nature to try and keep up with the Joneses. Comparing yourself to your friends, colleagues, or family members can make you feel worse about yourself, especially when trying to move forward from your past. There will always be someone better dressed, has a bigger house, or drives a more excellent car than you do…you never know what’s going on in their lives, so stop wasting your time and energy worrying about it. Instead, concentrate on your own life and what you can do to improve it.
6. Take responsibility for your life
Are you happy with the way that you are living? If not, then take charge of your life today by making a list of things that need improvement. Once you have decided on what you need to do, go ahead and make the changes needed for you to be pleased with your life. You are the only person who can make these positive changes happen, so start today!
7. Learn from past mistakes
No one is perfect…we all make mistakes, but how we deal with them can make a huge difference in our lives. Sometimes we can learn a lot from mistakes because they may teach us what NOT to do in the future! Try not to beat yourself up over past events; instead, focus on learning from them and applying that knowledge to your everyday life.
8. Know your limits
It is vital to dissociate yourself from negative people who want nothing more than to criticize your life and bring you down. Try your best not to let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do because it’s YOUR life! When people try to stand in the way of our success, we tend to give up too quickly. Don’t be afraid of taking risks. The bigger the risk, the more exhilarating it feels when you succeed!
9. Focus on the present
Do not dwell on past events that have brought you down or worry about things that may or may not happen in your life. Instead of focusing on negative experiences, try to concentrate all of your energy and give thanks for everything good in your life today. Everything else will fall into place when you decide to enjoy the present and appreciate what you have!
The past will never change, but how you deal with it can affect your future. If you are going through a hard time right now, do not give up on yourself because there is a light at the end of the tunnel…you have to find it. Take one day at a time and appreciate all you have right now in your life, no matter how small it may seem. You are already on your way to being a true survivor! The past is over; learn from mistakes, and focus on the present.
10. Choose to be positive

Instead of wanting everything you don’t have, focus on being grateful for everything you have. When things are not going your way, or life is throwing you curveballs, remind yourself of all the beautiful things you would still choose over whatever has got you down. It may take some time, but eventually, you will realize that there is much more to life than worrying about things you cannot change. Life is a journey, and every experience is an opportunity for growth, so choose to be positive, open your mind and go with the flow!
Positive thinking is all about replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.
11. Get rid of unrealistic expectations
People constantly expect something from you to be successful or buy them their following big toy. People will always have expectations of you, so the best way to decide for yourself what your expectations are. Often, unrealistic expectations can lead to depression and anxiety, but by setting realistic goals for yourself, you can build self-confidence and appreciate the small things in life.
12. Understand that change is inevitable
You cannot stop time from passing or your age catching up with you. We all grow old, some faster than others, but no one can escape this unavoidable fact of life. Change can be beautiful, though, as it means you are living and growing, and old things are being replaced with new things. If you allow yourself to be fully present and embrace change, the future will always hold new opportunities!
13. Take your time
We often get so caught up in our lives that we fail to realize how precious it is. Try not to rush through your day or take anything for granted. Be present and appreciate the moments you are sharing with those around you. We all know that time can pass us by in a split second, and before we know it, we haven’t stopped to smell the roses! Live every moment as if it were your last.
14. Avoid toxic relationships
Negative energy is so draining, especially from people we hold close. It’s a good idea to avoid those individuals who seek to take away all your energy and happiness. Whether these toxic relationships come from friends, family members, or even partners, you mustn’t take their actions personally as they are just as unhappy as you wouldn’t want to be even more miserable, do you?
15. Live in the moment
Live each day as if it was your last, and never let time slip through your fingers without stopping to enjoy some of life’s simple pleasures. Enjoying life does not mean that you have to spend every waking hour working or being entertained; it means appreciating the world around you and its people. Make memories that you will never forget and hold onto them as they are what makes life truly worth living.
16. Never be afraid to fail
Failure is a part of life, and by being afraid to fail, you are also afraid to live! Failure should never be associated with guilt or regret, so remember that everything happens for a reason. The more we learn from our mistakes, the more we grow as people and are more equipped for success.
17. Do what makes you happy

This is a great mindset to have as it can lead to many positive experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. If the things that make you happy aren’t considered “normal,” who cares as long as it makes YOU happy! Just because something does not meet someone else’s standards, it does not mean that you cannot enjoy doing it for yourself. Do not feel that you have to fit into a specific mold just because other people expect you to; remember that life is all about being happy and enjoying the moments we are given!
18. Live your truth
Living a lie can be draining and depressing, so always try to live your life in a genuine way to yourself. You can never be 100% happy if you live a life that is not true to who you are, it will always seem like something is missing! We all have an ideal life in our head and how we believe things should go, but this does not mean that we can force circumstances to go a certain way. Our life is what we make of it and if you are unhappy, make a few changes until you find a way to live in a more positive state!
19. Love yourself
Most people do not have or give enough self-love, but it is incredibly important for our overall health. If you cannot find it within yourself, find joy and love from those around you. Without loving yourself, you cannot love others as well as you should. Even if someone loves you, they will never be able to make up for all the self-love lacking in your life.
In conclusion
You must realize you are the only person there for you 24/7 throughout your life. No one can make you happy, smile, or laugh without first finding it within themselves. Find ways that bring you happiness and surround yourself with people who support your dreams, goals, and lifestyle choices no matter how different they may be from everyone else.