Do you know what love is?
If not, read on to learn about something that can change your life if done properly.
Love isn’t always easy.
It is beautiful when one gives and cares for another without expecting anything in return.
However, this also means that they are responsible for the other’s well-being.
This shouldn’t be taken lightly because if you do, it will cause emotional harm to the other recipient of your love.
Love isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it to learn how to Love Beyond Expectations, without expecting anything in return. Read on to learn about ways to not only care but care beyond expectations.
1: Ask Questions
Asking questions can lead to better understandings about those you love, and it will also help them feel comfortable enough to express themselves with you. It is a great way to show others that you are interested in their lives and how they feel.
Questions such as “What was your favorite part about school today?” or “How did you feel when you got the news?” will give a good insight on how to help another with an emotional problem.
Questions such as “Do you like this food?” or “Is this outfit ok for tonight?” can be used to show that you care about what they want to do or how they look.
2: Give Compliments
Giving compliments is an excellent way to show others that you care about their thoughts and feelings.
This can be used to encourage them, such as “I admire the fact that you want to study so hard,” or it may be used to cheer someone up, such as “I love your smile.”
3: Listen to Them

One of the most important things you can do for someone is listening. When speaking, try putting everything else on hold and focus on what they are saying.
You will gain a better understanding of them if you listen. This may take time, but it is more than worth the wait.
4: Hug Them
Hugging someone shows that you care about them and want to show them affection, even if words aren’t enough. It may be a way to comfort someone sad or stressed out, or maybe just a simple “I love you” hug.
5: Compliment Them
Compliments are a great way to let someone know that you care about them, especially when they seem down or upset. Try saying something like “I love the color of your eyes” or “Your smile brightens up any room.”
6: Be There for Them
Being there for someone is one of the most useful tools for showing them that you care. This can be done by lending a listening ear, taking them out somewhere they enjoy, or just being there as a shoulder to cry on – whatever is needed.
7: Come Up with Creative Ways to Show You Care
Think about what this person likes and develop a creative way to show them you care. If you know that they like chocolate, surprise them with some gifts or bake their favorite dessert to cheer them up. You don’t need money to show someone that you love them; just your time and creativity are all it takes!
8: Give Time
Give time, not things. You can show someone that you love them by giving them time to spend with you doing something they enjoy – it could be going to the park, watching a movie, or just spending time cuddled up on the couch. Whatever it is, try your best to give as much of your free time as possible because this will warm their hearts and show that you care.
9: Don’t Judge
When someone comes to you with a problem, try not judging them or telling them what they should do. Instead, listen and show that you are willing to help in any way possible.
10: Offer Advice

If someone has asked you for advice or opinion, try your best to develop the best possible solution you can. If you’re not sure, tell them that and offer to help in any way that you can.
11: Be Patient
Sometimes people lose track of time when they are having fun or when life gets stressful; try not to get angry if this happens. Be patient and understanding because this is a difficult time for them.
12: Remember Little Things
Little things mean the most to people; try to remember or make a note of little details about someone you love. These could be something like their favorite color, movie, food – anything! Just taking the extra step to remember these will make someone feel loved.
13: Be Supportive
When they are going through a tough time, try your best to understand what they are feeling. Sometimes with bad news or stressful times, people need an ear that will listen, and that’s all – don’t offer unnecessary advice.
14: Don’t Bring Up the Past
Whether it’s a fight or an argument, try not to bring up the past. If they have apologized for their actions and you have forgiven them, just let it go and move on from there. Dwelling on the past will only make things worse.
15: Say ‘I Love You’ Regularly
It’s always nice to hear that you are loved, so try telling the people around you that you love them. This can be used as a greeting or just randomly in conversation to show someone how much they mean to you.
16: Let Them Meet Your Friends and Family
Inviting your friends and family over for dinner or to meet them is a nice way of showing someone that you love them. This will let the person know that they are an important part of your life, and it lets them feel included in what’s going on with you.
17: Pay Attention

Pay attention to the little things. When someone mentions something they like or would like to do, try to research and find out more about it. For example, if they mention something they like, see what other episodes there are, or look for recommendations, show them that you’ve taken the time to pay attention, and this will make them feel loved and cared about.
18: Don’t Take Them for Granted
Don’t take the people you love for granted. Everyone makes mistakes, but as long as they are making an effort to improve, there is no excuse not to show them that you care and support them in their endeavors.
19: Smile at Them
Just a simple smile can make someone’s day – why not try smiling at those around you more often? It’s a great way to brighten their day and show you care.
20: Let Them Know You Care
Let them know that they are loved. Just because someone is there for you all the time, it doesn’t mean they know how much you appreciate them. Whether through a text message, phone call, or simply letting them know in person, make sure to let someone who matters to you know how much they mean to you.
21: Apologize When You Mess Up
We’ve all done things we regret, and even though it may seem like the end of the world when we mess up, apologizing can help resolve a situation and show that you care. Taking responsibility and apologizing is a good way to show someone that you love them, so let them know if they are ever on your mind.
22: Admit When You’re Wrong
It’s always nice to hear that we’re right, but it’s even better when we admit we’re wrong and apologize for our mistakes. This shows that we care and want to improve ourselves for those around us.
23: Show Appreciation

Showing appreciation is a great way to show someone that you love and care about them. If they do something, don’t just say ‘thank you – tell them how it has made a difference in your life or how much you appreciate what they have done.
24: Plan Something Nice
Even if it’s just a simple dinner or plans at your place, try to plan something nice for the people in your life every once in a while. It’s always good to show someone you care by taking them out and doing something different together. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it’s the thought that counts.
25: Don’t Be Afraid of PDA
Public displays of affection are a great way to show someone you love them, and they don’t always have to be ‘in your face. A simple kiss on the cheek or holding hands while walking can show someone that you love them and care about them enough to show it publicly.
26: Give Them Space
Although it may be difficult, giving someone space is still important because this allows them to miss you. The person will appreciate that you haven’t smothered them with affection, and they will feel warm inside knowing that you have faith in their abilities and freedom.
27: Tell Them How You Feel
Don’t be afraid to tell the people you love how you feel about them. Whether it’s telling them that they mean a lot to you or that they’re an amazing person, everyone wants and needs to know these things – so don’t be afraid to let those close to you know how you feel.
28: Don’t Judge Them
No one’s perfect, and everyone makes mistakes occasionally, so don’t be quick to judge someone just because they made a mistake – everybody deserves another chance. Everyone finds themselves in less than ideal situations at times, so just let them know it’s alright and that you love them no matter what.
29: Encourage Them to Pursue Their Dreams
Please encourage them to follow their dreams and passions as long as it doesn’t interfere with your relationship or cause harm, of course. Love means supporting the people we care about in every way possible. Whether it’s helping someone study for an exam or motivating them to go after a job they’ve had their eye on, love means supporting them in every way possible.
30: Let Them Know You Care About Them
Even if it’s just a simple text message saying ‘I’m thinking of you’ or ‘Thinking about you, let the people in your life know that they are loved and appreciated. They don’t have to be elaborate or over the top, just simple little things that can brighten someone’s day.
31: Show Your Affection in Public
Although you may find it awkward at times, showing affection in public displays of affection is a great way to show someone you love them and care about them. It shows people around you that your relationship with this person is something to be taken seriously and that the person means more than you are willing to show in private.
32: Make Them Feel Wanted
Everyone wants to feel like they are important, so make the people in your life feel wanted by giving them compliments or sending them little messages letting them know how much you care about them. You can also do simple and little things to show that you care, such as cooking their favorite meal or bringing them a cup of coffee.
33: Leave Sweet Messages for Them
Leave sweet messages for the people in your life just because you want them to know how much they mean to you. A simple text message can brighten someone’s day. Say nice things to them and leave sweet messages because you never know how much it could brighten their day or affect them.
34: Learn Their Love Language
Everyone shows their affection differently, so try to learn the language that they speak. For example, some people show love by spending time with their significant other, while others receive gifts. Know what makes your significant other feel loved and do those things for them.
35: Always be Honest
Be honest with them and never lie because this will only cause problems in the future, and if you truly love this person, you wouldn’t want to hurt them. Lying is a quick way to lose the trust of the people you care about, so make sure you are honest with them always.
This guide should be helpful to you in your efforts to love beyond expectations. It’s time we stop expecting and start loving, so get started today! Be sure to share this post with a friend or coworker who needs some encouragement to show their loved ones that they care for them by going the extra mile. We all need more of Jesus’ love in our lives, and it starts with us showing others unconditional love every chance we get. Tell someone about what Jesus has done for you today-share these 35 ways to lovingly demonstrate that you’re grateful he gave his life for yours too!