If you live a life that is not your authentic self, then it’s time to live consciously. The first step in living consciously is figuring out what motivates you and drives your decisions. Once you know this, the possibilities will be endless for how to live more consciously. Here are 18 ways to living consciously!
Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings.
Every citizen who desires to live consciously knows that the first step is to be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. Doing so will put you in a better position to deal with them than not doing anything about it at all.
Be mindful of how what we think, say, or do affects those around us. This means being conscious of our actions on others by looking out for their best interests instead of only thinking about ourselves. When someone says something hurtful, don’t retaliate but try understanding where they’re coming from and why they said what they did before reacting yourself badly.
Eat a healthy diet that is in alignment with your body’s needs
A healthy diet that aligns with your body’s needs can be hard for some people to do, but it is important for living a conscious life. The way that you feel after eating today will affect how you live tomorrow or the next day.
An example of a healthy diet would be eating whole foods in moderation, and processed food consumption is limited as much as possible. Whole grains should replace refined carbohydrates like white rice, pasta, loaves of bread, and pastries; lean proteins such as seafood and poultry should replace red meat; oils from nuts, olive oil, coconut milk, and avocados should replace animal fats; vegetables should replace fruits at meals since they’re richer in fiber (and therefore take longer to digest).
Get enough sleep every night
A man living consciously has to make sure that he gets enough to sleep every night. Sleep deprivation is linked to several chronic health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. It’s also been shown to hamper the immune system in this way, leaving you more susceptible to catching colds or other viruses.
- Wake up before your alarm, so it doesn’t startle you awake
- Create an environment where you can wake up naturally (open curtains, use noise machine)
- Have a routine for waking up: turn off phone/TV; set out clothes; do stretches
- Urinate right when you wake up even if not feeling like it – wipes away toxins from last night’s drinks and helps with morning readiness!
Engage in activities you enjoy, like reading or painting

A man who wants to live a happy life must live in the present and enjoy what he is doing. He should not be anxious about the future nor indulge himself with his memories of past pleasures, but try to find happiness in every moment by living consciously.
A person who lives fully will never feel like their time on this earth was wasted or that they left something undone. A conscious lifestyle can bring us peace and contentment even when things are going wrong because we know we are living our best possible life at all times.
Practice gratitude by thinking about all the things you are grateful for
Practice gratitude by thinking about all the things you are grateful for. Whether it be a family member, your health, or what you have achieved in life-all of these things can help increase happiness and success by increasing feelings of satisfaction.
In addition to reflecting on past accomplishments, living consciously also means looking forward to the future with excitement. Setting goals provides clarity about how to live more purposefully, which leads to increased productivity at work and higher levels of happiness and a sense of fulfillment outside work hours.
Living consciously is all about taking control over our thoughts and actions to make better decisions while living authentically.
Spend time outdoors to connect with nature
By spending time with nature, we can take a break from our constant connection with technology. Spending time in nature allows us to feel the beauty of living and reconnects us with what matters- that is ourselves. As children, we spend most of our lives outdoors until it becomes too dangerous for us then at some point as an adult we forget how important it is to be outside and connect with nature again.
We all need fresh air, sunshine, trees, birdsong, and insects buzzing around without having worries about whether or not someone might steal your phone while you’re on vacation! If you live somewhere where there are green spaces nearby, try taking your lunch breaks walking through them during the workweek – this will allow you to have more energy than if you had spent.
Eat a plant-based diet.
Eating habit also helps to live consciously. Adopting a plant-based diet is one of the most powerful ways to live consciously. Studies show that people who eat plant-based diets primarily are less likely to develop chronic illnesses such as type II diabetes, heart disease, and cancer than those who do not.
A vegetarian or vegan lifestyle also positively impacts animals by reducing their suffering in factory farms and slaughterhouses while improving our health (including avoiding exposure to antibiotics which can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria). A balanced vegan diet includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; beans; lentils; peas, nuts, and seeds, including flaxseed oil for omega-three fatty acids (preventing clogged arteries).
Replace your air conditioner with ceiling fans and open windows in the summer

You can replace your air conditioner with ceiling fans and open windows in the summer to save on energy costs. The best time to do this is at night when it’s cooler outside, but if you have a long day ahead of you, wait until nighttime. Open your curtains or blinds so that natural light can come through during the day (this will also keep your house cool).
The more sunlight coming into your home, the less likely there will be any artificial lights turned on inside, which means lower electricity consumption from bulbs and appliances. You could always try swapping out fluorescent bulbs for LED ones as well!
Get rid of clutter around the house, including old clothes, shoes, and books.
Clutter around the house can be stressful and make living spaces feel smaller.
- Clean up the kitchen after cooking a meal
- Do not allow piles of junk to accumulate in one room, though this will take some time to get rid of everything at once. Start with what is most noticeable or takes up your space for days on end.
- Put away clothes that you are not wearing immediately, so they do not pile up around the house.
These actions can help create less clutter around the house, which should boost feelings of calmness and peace during waking hours.
Keep a diary or journal to write down your thoughts and feelings about what’s going on in your life.
Keep a diary or journal to write down your thoughts and feelings about what’s going on in your life. This will help you get clear about what you’re experiencing so that the next time something happens, you can compare how this new experience makes you feel to a past one.
Keeping track of where your head means it won’t be such a mystery when things happen outside of our control – for example, an illness or someone dying.
You’ll have more clarity as to why certain events impact us deeply. At the same time, other things barely register with us because we weren’t prepared for them emotionally beforehand due to a lack of insight into ourselves from journaling previously.
Use reusable grocery bags when shopping for groceries instead of plastic ones disposed of after one use.
Reusable grocery bags are a great way to reduce your environmental footprint. These sturdy and environmentally-friendly bags can be used to carry all of your groceries, or they can be reused for other purposes like carrying clothing when you travel.
If you’re worried about the bag’s durability, remember that these are usually made from both fabric and plastic (a surprisingly durable combination), so they will resist wear and tear well over time. Better yet: most grocery stores now offer free reusable bags with every purchase!
Take time for yourself each day.
Have quality time for yourself each day. Dedicate time to your personal growth, self-reflection, and development.
- Meditate: Find a quiet space where you can close your eyes and focus on breathing deeply for 20 minutes daily
- Journaling: Write down the things that are bothering you or any thoughts that come up in your mind
- Exercise: Take care of our bodies by exercising at least three times per week
These activities will help us keep balance in life as well as feel more confident living consciously.
Exercise regularly (at least 20 minutes, 3-5 times per week)

Regular exercise helps a man maintain his strength, stamina, and flexibility. Exercise also releases endorphins which are chemicals that make you feel happy or euphoric.
Regular exercise helps a woman maintain her weight and increases muscle tone to help prevent sagging skin following the loss of elasticity after menopause. It can also alleviate some symptoms of depression by releasing serotonin (the “feel-good” brain chemical) in your body.
Eat healthy and nutritious foods that align with your body’s natural rhythms and needs.
A health-conscious people’s diet may also contain grains (especially whole grains), beans and legumes, nuts, seeds, dairy products like milk or cheese in moderation. The food you eat can greatly affect your physical energy level, so it is important to take the time to prepare good quality meals for yourself that are energizing rather than depleting.
Eating an appropriate number of calories is necessary for maintaining weight, but eating too many or too few calories may lead to low blood sugar levels or nutrient deficiencies. One way to ensure you’re getting enough calories is by tracking the amount you’ve eaten each day.
Reduce your waste
You can reduce your waste for a healthier planet by:
- Choosing to reuse items instead of throwing them away, such as clothing and food containers.
- Be mindful of the trash you throw into your garbage or recycling bins to not spill onto the ground when you are loading up from a grocery store or restaurant visit.
- Taking shorter showers to use less water.
Conscious living should include our relationships with all life on Earth–animals, plants, and even dirt! There are many ways to lessen our impact on this world while still maintaining our quality of life.
Drive less – walk, bike, take public transportation
Instead of driving, you can try walking, biking, or taking public transportation. All three are great alternatives to driving that will help you stay healthy and save money on gas.
Walking is a low-impact exercise that can be done at your own pace. Walking improves cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of weight gain (and obesity) by increasing metabolism, and burns calories; it also provides stress relief through physical activity – all while providing greater mobility than many other forms of exercise in seniors who may need assistance with balance or loss of strength due to aging effects.
Bike riding has similar benefits as mineralizing carbon emissions and improving mental wellbeing through increased endorphin release from movement.
Be mindful of what you eat and drink.
Your eating habit can greatly affect your own life as well as the lives of those around you. Be mindful of what you eat and drink, not just for yourself but also in consideration to others. Learn how to cook with fresh produce so that it will last longer.
Cooking food from scratch is a great way to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients provided by fruits and vegetables if they are cooked at home. Cooking meals help people save money on grocery bills. Still, it can also actually be cheaper than buying prepared foods because most dry goods like spices come in bulk which significantly reduces costs per ounce or serving size compared to pre-made dishes. When using fresh ingredients such as tomatoes or onions instead of canned varieties, store them properly like refrigerating after washing thoroughly.
Buy local produce to support your community’s economy
You can buy local produce at your local farmer’s markets, CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture), and food co-ops. Buying locally grown produces supports your community’s economy because you are spending dollars within a smaller radius.
If you’re not in an area with access to fresh vegetables year-round, buy from organic sources when possible or grow them yourself!
Summing Up,
Living consciously can be as easy as making a few changes in your life. Eating a healthy diet that aligns with your body’s needs, getting enough sleep every night, and practicing gratitude will help you maintain a peaceful state of mind. You may also want to consider replacing your air conditioner with ceiling fans and open windows in the summer or get rid of clutter around the house by donating old clothes, shoes, books, etc. Keeping an inspiring journal (or diary) is another way for living more intentionally – try writing down five things you are grateful for each day! Let us know how these tips work out for you; our team would love to hear from you on what steps make this easier than ever before!