Is Competition Necessary for Success? 40 Reasons To Consider

Competition is a healthy thing. It is important for success, and many people believe that competition is the only way to succeed. Competition can be good, but it is not always necessary for success. In this blog post, we will answer the question Is Competition Necessary for Success? and we will be discussing reasons why competition may or may not be necessary for your business’s future.

1. It drives innovation and creativity:

The need and want to always be better than the competition has been one of the motivating factors that have led to many advancements in technology, medicine, transportation, etc. [For example – In 2012, a working electric car began being competed for in the X-Prize competition. As of February 2013, one such car could drive more than 62 miles on a single charge and had an estimated top speed just above 100mph for at least 80% of the range.]

2. It creates new businesses:

Many start-up companies can trace their beginnings back to some competition that inspired them to compete and attempt to win. For example, Alibaba was inspired by eBay’s success in China. It is now the largest e-commerce platform in the world.

3. It creates new technologies:

Is Competition Necessary for Success

The development of many innovations can be credited to a competitive environment where companies compete for an edge over their competitors. This has helped advance the medical, transportation, and electricity industries.

4. It drives excellence:

By having to be better than your competition to win, you are forced to do everything you can to win, which means constantly looking for ways to improve yourself.

5. It can help build character:

When you compete and lose, the need to come back stronger and better than before can be a constructive way to teach someone lessons in life, such as how their actions have consequences, and if they do not try hard enough, they will fail.

6. It creates diversity:

Competition is what drives certain groups to focus on specific areas of interest. Competition has led to the development of many different sports such as basketball, football, and hockey.

7. It builds up others:

By competing for your self-interest, you can inspire others around you to do better, creating a more successful group.

8. It can help learn new things:

Competing and trying to beat the competition forces you to look for ways to do so constantly, and it sometimes requires learning new information, skills, or procedures.

9. It motivates others:

When you compete and win, it can inspire others to do better in what they are doing. Sometimes when something is worth winning, such as a million-dollar prize or an opportunity that only 30 people will get to participate in, it motivates even those that did not participate in the competition.

10. It creates better products:

Is Competition Necessary for Success

When a company creates a new product, it must compete with the already existing alternatives on the market. This leads to many companies spending time and money trying to make their alternatives better than those of their competition, leading to more options for consumers.

11. It can help you learn about yourself:

By competing with others, you are, in a sense competing against yourself, which allows you to learn about your strengths and weaknesses.

12. It helps companies grow:

Competition forces many companies to keep getting better at doing or risk losing business. This means constantly looking for ways to improve and innovate the products and services they provide.

13. It can help make new friends:

When people compete in groups or teams with others, they can form better relationships long after the competition has ended.

14. It leads to teamwork:

Competing against a group of individuals can lead to better teamwork because you have to work harder than normal to ensure your team wins instead of just yourself.

15. It teaches problem-solving:

When you compete, obstacles in your way prevent you from achieving victory, which means looking for ways to overcome those obstacles. Sometimes this means making sacrifices to ensure the greater good, which can be a great life lesson for young people.

16. It inspires others:

By being competitive, you inspire others around you because they want to either beat your record or prove that they are as good as you.

17. It creates a better economy:

Is Competition Necessary for Success

By constantly innovating, seeking new ways to improve their businesses, and competing with the rest of the world, companies create a more efficient and higher quality product that allows everyone in society to be better off.

18. It can help you become more patient:

Competing can sometimes mean working harder than you normally would, resulting in waiting before receiving your reward.

19. It allows others to shine:

Competition forces many people that would otherwise sit in the shadows and not put in any real effort because they’re happy with what they have to work harder than they would normally. Doing so allows others to recognize their true skill set, which can lead to recognition and a better job.

20. It leads to healthier relationships:

Just as in any sport or physical activity, competing with those you care about will make you push harder to win, resulting in a stronger and healthier relationship.

21. It creates more options:

By constantly competing and innovating, companies create better products for the consumer, resulting in more choices to decide from than before.

22. It builds self-confidence:

Competing against yourself and others allows you to push yourself past your limits, leading to greater confidence in yourself and what you are capable of.

23. It allows for faster progress:

Competition pushes people to work harder than they normally would, resulting in achieving goals faster than someone who is not competitive.

24. It can lead to a happier life:

Is Competition Necessary for Success

Competition pushes a person to improve constantly, resulting in a higher standard of living than someone who is not competitive. This can cause them to be happier with their own lives because they are always looking for ways to improve them.

25. It can make others happy:

Some competitors who win competitions will give their prize money or trophy to those close but unsuccessful. This is a great and noble quality to have, which can cause the receiver to become just as happy as the one who achieved victory.

26. It allows for easier success:

Sometimes it is more difficult to compete with those around you than to excel at your level, which means you don’t have as much competition.

27. It can lead to a higher quality of life:

Competing and pushing yourself and others allows for the constant advancement of society, leading to many positive changes in the standard of living.

28. It can create healthier societies:

Competition can push people to stick up for their rights and what is best for them, which results in a society where everyone has the right to work towards their goals and improve their lives.

29. It makes life more interesting:

Competition makes life more interesting because you always have something to look forward to. Whether it is an upcoming sports game or simply a contest between yourself and someone else, you will never run out of things to do.

30. It allows for further inventions:

The need for constant innovation fuels many companies to compete against others. This leads to creating better products that allow everyone to benefit from them. These products often make work easier and more efficient, which leads to few people not being satisfied with their jobs.

31. It can result in a higher standard of living:

Competing has led to many positive changes, which have led to a higher standard of living. One is health care which has resulted in a longer life expectancy and better treatment if ever injured.

32. It can result in a higher standard of education:

Competing with others, particularly at schools, can lead to a greater quality of education because the school needs to offer advanced classes to challenge the students.

33. It can lead to fundraising:

Is Competition Necessary for Success

Competing against others can result in a greater need for fundraisers because someone is always competing with another school or company, which means there needs to be money raised to keep up with them. This competition has resulted in many positive changes, such as higher standards and advancements in technology.

34. It prevents complacency:

Competing with others ensures that everyone is trying to improve themselves, preventing them from becoming complacent and continuing to be satisfied with their current standard of living.

35. It makes the world more interesting:

Competing with others makes the world more interesting because it allows for greater advancements in our society, allowing us to live an easier life.

36. It can motivate others:

If you compete against someone, they will likely try harder than usual to win. This can motivate you to do better and often has a contagious effect on the people around you.

37. It makes for great games:

Every single game or contest exists because there is typically only one winner who advances while others must try again next time.

38. It can help with relationships:

Competing against others can help create new relationships or improve old ones. This is because you are both working towards a common goal which means you are likely on good terms.

39. It makes for better stories:

Every great story has one main character who competes with another to achieve their goals. This can be very motivating for the people reading or watching that story.

40. It leads to more success:

Competing with others leads to more individual successes, which benefit everyone in society because it allows for new ideas and advancements in technology.


Is Competition Necessary for Success ? The need for constant improvement and advancement has resulted in many positive changes which have led to innovations, higher standards of living, new inventions, better products, fundraising opportunities, an easier standard of education, more interesting stories that are motivating to read or watch, relationships that are improved because of shared goals, and a better world in general. So yes, being competitive is necessary for success.