HOW TO STOP OBSESSING OVER SOMEONE? Have you ever been so infatuated with someone that they consumed your thoughts and dominated all of your potential actions? If this is the case, you might be suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This disease consists of having persistent or recurrent thoughts, feelings, or ideas that bother you unhealthy.
Most people complain about these thoughts when dealing with OCD; however, some also obsess over physical objects such as germs and locks and their thoughts and actions. They go through different phases where their worries increase and decrease in intensity throughout periods lasting months to years.

To be obsessed means to be under the control of a persistent thought, idea, feeling, emotion or desire. In most cases, this is not a pleasant state, and often it can lead to some rather negative consequences. If you are obsessed with someone, this person has become the center of your life without their knowledge. Everything else seems unimportant and meaningless to you, while the subject of your obsession appears everywhere in your head and heart. You don’t even want to imagine a situation where you cannot meet them.
The first thing you must do is realize that this is just a normal process. Many people experience it, even if they don’t want to. You can find out how it feels like to be obsessed with someone by carefully reading the following article:
What does being obsessed mean?
Being obsessed means that your thoughts and feelings are entirely under the control of another person. This is not a good sign for your mental health, although many people have to experience this. If you want to avoid any negative consequences, you must do something about it. The earlier you start struggling with your obsession, the better your chances of getting rid of it entirely.
Only then is it possible to go on with your life and find someone who can give you all the happiness you ever dreamed of?
What causes obsession?
The leading causes for this problem are usually negligence and lack of self-value. They both lead to a situation where another person seems like the only one who has all the power in his hands. If you think this person is not treating you well enough, it only makes the whole process harder because in your brain, there are many memories of bad experiences in life. You must be able to suppress these thoughts if you want to avoid further worsening of the problem. It requires time and patience, but everything will be much easier when you accomplish this goal.
What are the negative effects of this condition?
First, it becomes harder to function normally in society. You can hardly pay attention to anything else besides your obsession, and everything seems unimportant and meaningless. This is not a good thing for your mental health, which means that if you don’t take action soon enough, there might be severe consequences in the future. Then you must remember that this topic is treated only psychologically, so if you have some other problems that interfere with your health (for example, heart disease), then it will be much harder to fight against obsession.
Another great danger comes from social isolation. You can hardly speak to anyone else besides the one you are obsessed with. If you don’t want to lose touch with your friends and family members, you must do something about it immediately. There is nothing more important than choosing the right path and doing what is necessary to accomplish this goal. It will boost your self-confidence, and everything will go just fine in the long run.
Let’s look at how an obsession begins:
– Person A likes B. But B does not like them back
– Person A is desperate for love and attention
– Person A gets obsessed with B, and starts stalking them on social media
– This becomes the only thing that makes them feel better about themselves
– Instead of stopping this behavior, person A can’t control themselves. They keep obsessively looking at what B is doing online. They want to know everything about this person, which makes them feel better about themselves.
– Person A keeps obsessing over person B because they only get the love and attention they desperately want from this person
The ‘love’ isn’t real. It’s projected onto the other person.
When people are obsessed with someone, it’s usually one way, meaning that this person does not see them in a good light at all. They get obsessed with this person because they are so desperate for love and attention that they’ll take it from anyone if that means temporarily feeling better about themselves.
As far as other people are concerned, the obsession will make them feel somewhat uncomfortable around this person. And if their friend or family member keeps obsessing over them, it can make them feel very uncomfortable because they see this as a sign of insecurity.
When you stop obsessing over someone, it’s important to have self-respect and learn how to love yourself instead of projecting it onto another person. This is the first step towards a more healthy way of thinking and will help you feel a lot better in the process.
How Do I Know If I Have It?
– Do you feel desperate for love and attention?
– Are you always thinking of this person and only this person romantically and missing them when they aren’t around?
– Do you fantasize about having a relationship with this person?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then it’s likely that you are obsessing over this person.
The following steps will make you know.
Step 1 is to stop stalking them online

– Do you find yourself checking their social media or email account all the time?
Stalking someone on social media is the worst thing you can do because it’ll make other people very uncomfortable, and it won’t give you any peace of mind.
– What are you hoping to find when you stalk them online?
If you’re obsessive, it’s unlikely that they will have changed their mind before. So what are you hoping for by stalking this person on social media?
– If the answer is finding love and attention, it’ll be better if you stop this behavior because it doesn’t work.
– If the answer is finding closure, you won’t find this on social media. You need to talk to this person and ask for it before you can move forward and let go of your obsession.
– This might not be easy, but if you genuinely want to stop obsessing over someone, don’t stalk them online.
Step 2 is to build up your self-respect instead of projecting it onto another person
It’s important to understand that you don’t want love and attention because you’re not strong enough to handle yourself. You think that this person will make up for the fact that you don’t feel good about yourself, leading to problems down the line.
You’re better off without them, and you’ll feel happier when you can love yourself instead of projecting it onto another person.
How do I stop the obsessing behavior?
It’s essential to have self-respect and learn how to love yourself instead of projecting it onto another person. This is the first step towards a more healthy way of thinking and will help you feel a lot better in the process.
How can I stop obsessing over someone?
There are 3 steps to breaking free from an obsession:
- Let go of your desperation for love and attention
- Stop stalking them online
- Build up your self-respect instead of projecting it onto another person
Letting go of your desperation for love and attention:
– Are you afraid that if you let go of this person, there won’t be anyone else who will want to have a relationship with you?
This is the first thing that needs to change. If people are afraid that there won’t be someone else out there willing to have a relationship with them, they will often stay with someone who isn’t good for them.
– What can you do to make yourself less dependent on this kind of validation?
It’s essential to have a conversation with people, especially women. Suppose you want to attract someone; you need to have something interesting to say. So talk to people. Make sure you’re having fun instead of obsessing over someone else.
12 Fastest Ways To Stop Obsessing Over Someone
The friendly and conversational tone of this article is immediately apparent. It uses friendly language like “you” and “your personal life.” This friendly and familiar writing style makes the reader feel like they are speaking with a friend rather than reading an article.
The friendly tone helps give the article a classic appeal by establishing its credibility as advice from someone who has been in and understands the struggles of the situation.
1.) Get out there:
The first piece of advice focuses on creating new experiences and doing things that will help to distract you from obsessing over your ex: “Give yourself something else to think about.”
This advice can be applied broadly to situations where we obsess over something or someone. Whether you are obsessing over someone or not, it is a good thing to do, and it does not directly address the issue.
2.) Don’t go looking:
The second piece of advice continues with distraction: “Do something that will keep you from thinking about him/her.”
This can be helpful to someone who finds themselves wanting to check social media constantly for updates or trying to spy on their ex’s profiles. This advice emphasizes that if you are genuinely ready to move on, it isn’t healthy for your recovery period to obsess over your ex.
3.) Get your mind off of things:
The third piece of advice likewise focuses on distraction through creating new experiences, but the tone is different: “Never go looking for him/her and try to figure out what he/she is doing. It will only make you feel worse.”
This advice gives a more serious tone to the article. It emphasizes that obsessing over an ex during the recovery period does not help- it makes things much worse by torturing yourself or driving yourself crazy.
4.) Do something fun
The fourth piece of advice continues with trying new activities: “Do anything but wallowing in your misery…If there’s one thing no one needs, it’s someone who’s down on his/herself.”
This friendly language makes readers feel like they are being spoken to personally and candidly about their troubles. Again, this friendly tone helps give the article authority as friendly advice for readers suffering.
5.) Get out of your head:
The fifth piece of friendly advice acknowledges that keeping yourself distracted is not always helpful because it doesn’t address what you feel: “Don’t keep thinking about it.”
This friendly tone gives this advice an almost humorous twist. It is reassuring to know that everyone faces this problem and there are ways to deal with it. Still, it does not make for good reading material if told matter-of-factly without offering anything besides the obvious solution of distraction.
6.) Go over things logically:
The sixth piece of friendly advice offers more support by explaining why obsessing during the recovery period isn’t healthy: “Every time you start thinking about something he/she did, remind yourself that it’s a pointless train of thought.”
It is easy to imagine the writer at your side giving friendly advice about how obsessing will not get you anywhere in this friendly language. The friendly tone emphasizes the friendly and helpful nature of the advice, making the reader feel more inclined to follow it.
7.) Give yourself time:
The friendly tone continues with supporting information: “Don’t think that there’s a set amount of time for things to go back to normal or that you’ll suddenly wake up one day and be over him/her.”
This friendly language expresses friendly understanding personally while also offering further support by explaining why obsessing isn’t healthy. The friendly nature of the language makes this advice easy to agree with and understand because it feels more like a friendly conversation than instructions on what to do.
8.) Don’t entertain paranoid delusions:
This friendly advice continues in a similar vein, giving friendly support while also expressing friendly frustration: “Quit trying so hard not to think about him/her. It’s useless.”
9) Take time:
“Don’t get upset when you think about him/her or find yourself thinking about what might have been. It’s natural.”
10) Know when it’s time to move on:
“There’s no way to make quick or easy what has been done but you can choose not to spend the rest of your life pining away for him/her.”

11) Appreciate yourself:
“You have to learn to love yourself before anyone will be able to love you.”
12) Have someone to vent to:
“Make sure you have at least one person who knows what you’re going through.”
In conclusion,
HOW TO STOP OBSESSING OVER SOMEONE? If you find yourself obsessing over someone, let go of your desperation for love and attention. Stop stalking them online and build up your self-respect instead of projecting it onto another person. This will make you happier in the long run and put you on a healthier path toward thinking. The earlier you let go of your obsession, the easier it’ll be for you because this behavior isn’t healthy.