The world is a whirlwind of stimulation. It offers us an overwhelming amount of media, entertainment, information, and social interactions. Our brains are constantly overloaded with incoming stimuli that create stress on the mind and body, which is why it’s important to learn techniques to stay grounded in all life throws our way.
I feel most at peace when I’m grounded, which is why I’ve put together 40 Restorative Practices to Stay Grounded. These are simple things you can do to stay present and keep yourself balanced throughout your day.
Restorative practices are great for everyone, whether you’re trying to calm down after a long day or want something to drown out the distracting noise of life.
Here are the 40 Restorative Practices on How to Stay Grounded:
1. Say “I Am.”
Starting your day with an affirmation makes you feel like you’re in control of your mind and body. Saying “I am strong” or “I am calm” can make it easier to deal with stress. It’s also a good way to start the day off on the right foot—by focusing on positivity.
2. Find Time to be Still
When you’re still, you get the opportunity to enjoy the small things in life. It’s calming and allows your brain to process everything that happened throughout the day before jumping into more stimulating activity. You’ll be better equipped to handle stress or emotions when you space out time for yourself.
3. Breathe Deeply

When you breathe deeply, you bring in more oxygen to the body. More oxygen increases alertness and is helpful when trying to come back down after a stressful situation or emotional release. Your heart rate decreases when your breathing slows, which further induces relaxation. When I get stressed out during the day, I always take a few minutes to close my eyes and focus solely on breathing deeply.
4. Listen to Music
Nothing relaxes me more than listening to music when I’m feeling overwhelmed. It can be other people’s songs or even your instrumental pieces. Just taking the time to listen will calm you down and take you away from whatever is stressing you out.
5. Take a Shower or Bath
A hot shower can soothe your body in many ways. When you’re stressed, the blood vessels in your skin have constricted, which amplify stress levels. A hot shower causes them to open back up—reducing cortisol and easing tension. I love taking steam baths when I’m feeling anxious or stressed out.
6. Mindful Meditation
When you’re worried about something, it’s hard to focus on anything else. But practicing mindfulness (or mindful meditation) helps you gain control of your mind and “inhabit” the present moment, even if only for a few minutes. It’s beneficial because it takes away the worry and allows you to focus on the here and now.
7. Do Yoga
Whether it’s a simple stretch or a complicated yoga sequence, doing some exercise will distract your mind from whatever is stressing you out. Exercising is beneficial for stress because it releases endorphins that give you a sense of euphoria, which counteracts the effects of cortisol—the stress hormone.
8. Look at Nature
Being in nature calms me down almost immediately. It’s my happy place! I go to quiet areas when I want to relax or seek out parks when life is crazy. The sights, sounds, and aromas of nature are refreshing and calming. Walking around outside, even if it’s just in your backyard, gives you a fresh perspective and refreshing break from the chaos of life.
9. Touch Items That Have Meaning to You
Holding an object that means something to you will bring back good memories and help ground you when life is overwhelming. It could be something you cherish or something your child made in school—it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s meaningful to you. The smell of my daughter’s stuffed animal calms me down instantly when she’s away at college. It’s silly, but it works!
10. Meditate while Listening to Music

Meditating is great because it relieves stress and helps you become more mindful. When I’m stressed out during the day, I like to put on some music and do a short meditation focused on breathing deeply. It’s relaxing and reminds me of how important it is to take time for myself.
11. Take a Break from Social Media
You’ll feel so much better if you stay off social media for a while. Constantly plugging into what’s going on with everyone else increases stress levels. It also gives you an unrealistic perspective of your life, leading to self-criticism and frustration. So take some time away from social media, at least once a day!
12. Do Yoga with Your Child
I love doing simple yoga poses with my daughter. It’s fun for both of us, and it helps me manage the stress that I experience as a parent. You can look up videos and do stretches or breathing exercises right in your living room!
13. Recharge by Being Still
Taking time to recharge is just as important as taking care of yourself physically. When I’m stressed, I like to go outside and sit on the grass or a bench for 15 minutes. Sometimes, I do nothing at all—stare into space and let my mind wander. Be still with your thoughts. This is so important because it shows you that you can handle what life throws at you—and that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel!
14. Dance to Your Favorite Song
Dancing releases endorphins and makes you feel happy. I put on my favorite song and dance in front of my bedroom mirror for about five minutes when I’m stressed. It’s silly but fun, and it helps me feel a bit better.
15. Take a Warm bath with Soothing Scents
Taking a warm bath is calming, and the right aromas help tremendously. I like to fill my tub with water as hot as I can stand, drop some bath salts in the mix, and add some essential oils for aromatherapy. I’ll even put on some relaxing music to take my stress away! It’s the perfect time to do a face mask and read a good book, too.
16. Drink Hot Tea

There’s something about holding a warm cup of tea that feels good when life is hard. My favorite hot teas are peppermint or chamomile. They soothe your stomach and help you relax, which can ease stress both mentally and physically.
17. Create an Oasis with Plants
Plants are so grounding! When I’m having a hard time managing my stress levels, I like to walk into my living room or bedroom, look around at my plants, and remember that everything will be okay. I even speak out loud to my plants, saying things like “You help me so much!” or “I love you.” It’s silly, but it works!
18. Take a Walk on the Beach
Going for a walk on the beach is one of my favorite activities ever. The waves are crashing against the shore, and the sound of seagulls filling the air makes me feel like I’m at home, even when I’m on vacation. Taking a walk on the beach is also an easy way to exercise, which we all know is good for stress management.
19. Play with Your Pet
Playing with your pet makes you laugh and break up your day. It’s fun and therapeutic at the same time, making it a great stress reliever! Sometimes I’ll throw my dog’s ball for him or pet him while we both watch TV. He loves getting attention, and I love giving it to him.
20. Volunteer Your Time
Taking some time out of my week to volunteer has been important to my mental health. I know there are many other things on my to-do list, but taking the time to do something good for someone else gets me out of my headspace and lets me focus on others for a while.
21. Practice Mindfulness Exercises
Mindfulness exercises like yoga or deep breathing can help manage stress by helping you become more aware of the present moment. Practicing mindfulness is also a great way to be kinder to yourself and reconnect with your body, which is wonderful for managing everyday stress.
22. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude has been shown to have a protective effect against depression and anxiety. Even if you aren’t having the best day ever, there are still good things in your life to be grateful for. I like to start my morning by taking a few minutes to write down five things I’m grateful for, even when it feels almost impossible. It gets easier with practice!
23. Spend Time Alone

It’s okay to be by yourself sometimes. Please spend some time alone, doing whatever you want to do, and don’t feel guilty about it! You deserve a break. If I’m having a hard day or week, I’ll find something fun to do by myself—like go shopping around my neighborhood or watch an entire TV series on Netflix. Sometimes all you need is a break.
24. Watch a Funny Video
When I’m feeling stressed out, one of my favorite ways to relax is watching a funny video on YouTube. There are so many funny videos out there, and if you watch them in moderation, it’s okay! Watching something lighthearted once in a while will make you laugh and won’t take up too much of your time.
25. Practice Yoga or Another Relaxing Sport
Yoga is a great activity for managing everyday stress. It helps you become aware of your body and gain some focus, which can be very grounding and soothing.
26. Take a Bath with Epsom Salt
Epsom salt baths are another great way to relax. They are especially helpful when my muscles are tense or sore, which can happen when I’m under a lot of stress.
27. Hang Out with Friends
Hanging out with friends is one of the best stress relievers! Spending time with people who make you laugh and feel cared for will put you in a better mood, and it’s good for your mental health, too.
28. Take a Nap
Napping is one of my favorite stress management techniques! Sometimes I’ll even take my laptop into bed with me and work or watch TV while I sleep. If you find yourself getting cranky or anxious during the day, doze off for an hour or two; you’ll wake up feeling more relaxed and refreshed.
29. Stretch
Stretching feels good, especially on tense shoulders or sore legs! It helps relieve muscle tension, which is one of the causes of everyday stress. Stretching also helps manage fatigue, which can contribute to stress levels.
30. Write in a Journal
Writing is an important stress management technique. It can help you vent your frustrations, express what you’re feeling, and work through the things that are bothering you. Try writing about how you feel on a piece of paper or in a journal! You don’t have to share it with anyone if you don’t want to; the goal is to help yourself process your thoughts and feelings.
31. Take a Scented Bath
Taking a scented bath with Epsom salts and bubbles can be relaxing because it’s such a simple change from your everyday routine. You can also light some candles or incense for extra relaxation! avoid scented baths if you have sensitive skin or allergies, and let the water cool down a bit before you get in—hot baths can disturb your sleep.
32. Write a Letter to Someone You Love
You can also write a letter to someone you love! Tell them about all the things they do that make you feel loved and special. It doesn’t need to be a long letter—write down a few things that you appreciate about them.
The benefits of staying grounded go beyond simply relieving everyday stress but How to Stay Grounded. Grounding techniques can also help you connect with yourself and your surroundings, which brings a sense of wholeness and well-being during stressful times. I hope this article helped teach you some simple grounding techniques that you can do anytime or anywhere!