It is important to keep a balanced lifestyle by making time for healthy and happy activities. It’s just as important to work on the things that bring you joy as it is to take care of yourself, eat well, get exercise, and sleep. Mindfulness also helps slow down an anxious mind. If you want to know How to lighten up, these are some ways to lighten up your day so you can enjoy all the good things in life!
Practice gratitude by writing down what you are grateful for every day
A great way to start the day is by making a list of things that you are grateful for. Studies have shown that people who do this regularly can experience an increase in their happiness levels.
Write down what you are thankful for on paper with your morning coffee, or dedicate some time at night before going to sleep, and see how it affects your mood! It is a kind of mental exercise, and it’s a good habit to get into.
You can also practice gratitude by listing five things you are grateful for every day in an online journal or on your wall at home with sticky notes!
Put up a calendar to remind yourself of all the good things that happen in life.
To recollect memories of your happiest moments, keep a calendar or diary. Write down the date and time each day that you do something to lighten up.
When feeling blue, list out everything about your life that makes you feel good and happy. This can be anything from “My dog’s name is Leo” or “I’ll never forget my first bike ride.”
The idea here is to remember why it feels so good when we are doing activities like this and take note of our own sake and those around us! So to put up, you also need to remember those people as well.
One way is remembering a happy moment from the past and what it felt like until you feel better again; think about watching a video clip on youtube or reading an excerpt from a favorite book that will make you laugh out loud.
It’s not hard to find something funny if we are creative! 🙂 If we can’t spot anything at first glance, then go for books where someone else has done all the picking so that they might be more likely to have found some humor in there somewhere. Just because things don’t happen how we want them doesn’t mean that they’re hopeless – there may still be happiness waiting around the corner for us!
Take time to enjoy your favorite hobby or activity on your terms

You should take time to enjoy your favorite hobby or activity on your terms. You will be able to feel the joy of doing what you love, as well as releasing any pent-up stress and anxiety that may have been building up in other parts of your life.
If you don’t know what those hobbies are yet, try experimenting with new things for a bit! The world is full of wonderful interests waiting to be discovered.
And when something feels right, stick with it! You’ll find yourself enjoying more happiness than ever before – both inside and out!
Find something new to learn and do each week, even if it’s just learning how to make a new dish or try a new yoga class.
To lighten up and keep your brain busy,
- Try a new recipe each week or create one of your own,
- Take up knitting as an easy hobby you can pick and put down at any time,
- Start learning how to play the guitar – many people find it relaxing. You’ll be able to make music on your own with very little practice, and there are also plenty of online tutorials that will teach you basic chords for free.
There’s nothing wrong with taking it slow if lightning doesn’t come naturally—that means you need more gentle encouragement and less pressure until those positive feelings return. There are many ways to do this: in between watching TV episodes when housekeeping chores have been finished; after lunchtime yoga sessions while feeling energy.
Smile more – smile at strangers and people you know, too!
Smile is contagious, and it’s addictive.
Some people say that smiling is a muscle so that you can exercise it. Here are some steps to create more smiles:
- Smile at strangers – this will put them in a good mood too!
- Sing or whistle softly while walking down the street
- Give someone an unexpected hug when they least expect one – any age, gender—anybody
There are also other ways to lighten up your life…like having fun with these classic games like Jenga. It’s always great for the family game night and just playing by yourself (or with a dog!). The possibilities of what could happen next to make the suspense seem all worth it.
Laugh often – watch funny movies with friends, read jokes online, see stand-up comedy live.
To keep up light up and joy in life, we need to laugh often.
- Watch funny movies with friends
- Read jokes online – see stand up comedy life
The thing is that laughter has a huge impact on our mood and physical well-being. It releases endorphins which help regulate blood pressure levels and fight stress hormones. Laughter also strengthens the immune system & enhances your digestion process! So if you are feeling down or stressed out, watch some of what makes you laugh most, read jokes online from sites like Laughlab, or go to a comedian’s show live (and be sure to bring along someone who will make you double over!) And if it turns into an all-nighter where people can’t stop laughing.
Consider your daily routine and see if there are any ways to make it more lighthearted.
Take your daily routine and see if there are any ways to make it more lighthearted.
You might change your morning routine by changing what you eat, how you dress, or where you go for coffee in the mornings. You might start your day with a yoga practice instead of scrolling through social media feeds first thing – this will help get rid of some negative energy before they have a chance to accumulate throughout the day.
Incorporate something that makes you laugh into each day: watch funny videos on YouTube at lunchtime, read humorous articles online during breaks, or listen to stand-up comedy albums while cooking dinner. In addition, find five things each week about yourself that bring joy and share them with someone else!
Think of a time when you felt joy or happiness and reminisce on the feeling

Recollect you time you passed with joy or happiness. How did you feel? Please do this for a few moments and see how it makes you feel to remember your experiences with joy or happiness from the past.
When we do this, our physiology changes in that we experience more endorphins than cortisol, which is what happens when experiencing stress. This type of response has been linked to better health outcomes, including reduced chances of depression, anxiety, and even high blood pressure (as mentioned earlier).
If possible, focus on feeling joyful feelings such as love, gratitude, appreciation, etc. Every day try and find one thing every day where you can use those types of emotions so that they become part of your life-changing routine. And if all else fails, take some time.
Find someone who makes you smile, even for just a moment, every day
Make friendship with the people who make you smile. Please keep in contact with them, and try to build a friendship that is based on laughter.
Find someone who makes you smile, even for just a moment, every day. Take the time to get to know this person better each week until eventually, you will be best friends!
The last step is simple: take those bright moments and multiply them by 365 days. You now have enough light-filled goodness for an entire year of happiness!
Watch funny videos online or read humorous articles in magazines
You can lighten up yourself by watching funny videos online or reading humorous articles in magazines. This will make you happier, and laughter is the best medicine to heal your mood.
Laughing is the best medicine to heal your mood. It will make you feel better, and it’s also a healthy habit as laughter can lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones in the body and improve your immune system.
You should try watching funny videos online or reading humorous articles from magazines every day for several minutes at least once per week. You’ll be surprised how much this simple action could change your life!
Share something that made you happy with friends and family members
When you are in a funk or feeling down, it’s important to look back on a time when you enjoyed yourself. Merely recalling an event can help lift your mood and make you feel more lighthearted again.
When I was in high school, my parents took me with them on their annual winter vacation to New Orleans every year for Christmas break! The city is always festive during the holidays, and that trip helped give me some of my best memories from those years as we explored Bourbon Street at night while listening to jazz music filling the air around us.
A few years ago, I went skiing up in northern Vermont over President’s Day weekend and had so much fun watching snowflakes fly past our faces as we skied.
Increase your intake of vitamin D by spending more time outside during the day (if possible) or by taking supplements

Vitamin D is such a crucial part of everyday life that we often forget about it. Not only does it help regulate our weight, mood, and energy levels and bones, muscle strength, and immune system function.
Although Vitamin D can be obtained through consuming certain foods and exposure to sunlight, many people are not getting their recommended daily intake.
For vitamin D levels to be maintained in our body, we must eat a wide variety of healthy food sources: fortified milk products such as cereal or yogurt, eggs, fish like salmon with edible skin.
Keep a journal of funny things that happen.
You have some funny and memorable moments that you might not remember because they happened so quickly. Keep a journal of these funny things; it will brighten your day and help you get rid of the negative thoughts in life.
I have an old photograph album with some pictures of when I was wearing my green shirt for the first time on the school trip to see “Shrek” at Theatre Royal Drury Lane –
Everyone thought it was hilarious but me! My mum took this picture thinking it would be one my sister could laugh about later – she got her to wish!
It is also easy to upload those photos from your smartphone or camera onto Facebook or Google Photos as soon as you take them. This way, friends can enjoy them too.
Spend time with people who make you happy
I think one of the best ways to lighten up is by spending time with people who make you happy.
It can be a friend, your partner, or someone else in your life that has been a positive force for good.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much we enjoy being around them and don’t always take the opportunity when they’re right there next to us asking about our day. Take out some time for these people instead! I think one of my favorite moments from this year so far was going on holiday with one of my closest friends last month – we laughed more than ever before and felt like every moment was spent catching up and sharing stories.
Summing Up,
We all know that life can be tough sometimes. Many things in our day-to-day lives make us feel stressed, depressed, or even angry. But it’s important to remember that there is always something good happening too! It may not seem like much at the time, but every little thing adds up, and eventually, you will have a wonderful list of what you’re grateful for. This gratitude practice has been proven to improve your mood by making you happier, healthier, and less likely to get sick. You don’t need anything outside of yourself (like money) to do this – start with writing down one thing each day on a piece of paper or journaling app until you’ve.