How to Be a Better Lover: 40 Tips for Starting the Day with Your Partner

When we wake up, the first thing we do is get ready for the day. But how many of us start our morning with our partner? If you don’t, then it’s time to change that! A good way to start your day and be a better lover is by hugging your partner in the morning when they are still asleep. Not only will this make them feel loved, but it will also allow you to show how much you care about them before the stresses of the day take over. In this blog post, we will talk about 40 ways on How to Be a Better Lover that can help improve how well lovers communicate with each other and how they spend their mornings together!

1. Wake up a few minutes earlier each day and enjoy a cuddle in bed before you get out of it. This will make getting out of the house later on a lot easier as you will no longer have that time to kill!

2. Make your partner’s favorite breakfast or buy their favorite cereal from now on. While it doesn’t involve making breakfast, you will still feel like you’ve done something to make them happy.

3. Spend 20 minutes of your morning to plan the evening’s activities together and sort out any problems before they arise. This way, there won’t be any awkward “what shall we do?” discussions later on!

How to Be a Better Lover

4. Practice your partner’s favorite hobby together before work or school, whether with a board game, playing an instrument, or cooking a meal from scratch. You can even re-live the childhood experience of building a model kit!

5. If you’re going to be in separate classes for a while, try taking a selfie together every morning before you head out the door. This way, you’ll have a nice collection of photos to show how much you two have grown apart.

6. Chat about your dreams for the future over breakfast to keep that communication strong between both of you. Remember, communication is key if you want to make sure nothing falls apart.

7. Take a quick selfie of your family or couple together before work and then send it to each other as a “thinking of you message.” This will make sure that both of you have nice thoughts throughout the day!

8. Sketch a picture for your partner from now on as a cute little surprise every morning. This way, you’ll be able to brighten up their day even if they are feeling down.

9. Sneakily roll a pair of socks onto your partner’s feet before they get out of bed to wake them up with a little bit of warmth! This will ensure that you have an extra cute cuddle in the morning.

10. Swap morning phone calls with your partner while you commute to work to make the day go faster and end on a positive note. This will also help you feel more connected throughout the day.

11. Start taking cold showers together every morning before school or work to get that natural dose of adrenaline at the start of the day. This will make sure that you have a positive attitude throughout the day.

How to Be a Better Lover

12. Spend an hour or two getting ready together in the morning before work or school to help you both get into a good mood once you’re there. You’ll feel more connected if your morning routine is shared, even if it takes longer to get ready.

13. Make a playlist of your partner’s favorite songs and have it on while you do household chores together in the morning before work, school, or whatever else you’re doing for the day. Not only will this bring back some memories, but it’ll make housework go by faster – especially if their favorite song comes on!

14. Go out for a walk together – make sure to dress up nice, and it’ll be like you’re going on a date! Plus, the fresh morning air will do wonders for your mood and help keep those groggy mornings away.

15. Put notes in each other’s wallets before work or school to let them know you think of them. These notes can be about anything – how your day is going, a reminder to buy milk, or just a little “I love you.”

16. Makeup nicknames for each other and use them when talking over the phone (or in-person if you’re with them). This will ensure that you have a stronger connection with your partner even when you’re miles apart.

17. Send each other fun or cute stickers through text messages to brighten the day up, even before you’ve seen them! Who doesn’t love receiving little surprises first thing in the morning?

18. The next time you are out shopping together, get your partner to pick out some new clothes for you. This will get them involved in the morning routine and get you ready faster!

How to Be a Better Lover

19. Write each other letters before work or school to share your feelings, wishes, or how much you appreciate them every day. These notes can be about anything – don’t feel like it has to be deep or sentimental every time.

20. Eat breakfast together in the morning to help you both get started on your day, especially if you’re usually running behind schedule. This will ensure that you still feel connected despite not seeing each other at breakfast time anymore!

21. Offer to cook for your partner in the morning to save them some time and energy before work or school. This way, your partner will have a nutritious meal to start their day with!

22. Start a morning Instagram page for you and your partner together – share photos of the cute things you do together every morning, as well as selfies from each other throughout the day. You can also share the memories of your past!

23. Make an effort to get out of bed at the same time every single morning, even on weekends. This will ensure that you always have some time with each other in the mornings and won’t be rushing around like crazy people while getting ready for school or work.

24. Make a “honey jar” with 20 pieces of paper and a pen, each one containing a different task for you to do for your partner every day before school or work. This should include cooking breakfast, helping them get ready for work, or even leaving a cute handwritten note.

25. Swap alarm tones with your partner and make sure you both don’t use the same one every day. This is a fun way to wake up each morning!

26. Give your significant other a neck massage in the morning when they’re feeling tense after waking up or before bedtime to help melt away stress and anxiety that might be building during the day. Just make sure to ask them first before giving a neck massage!

How to Be a Better Lover

27. Sing to your partner or makeup tunes together in the morning when they’re brushing their teeth or doing their hair and makeup. It’ll put a smile on their face as well as yours!

28. If you’re rushing around every morning because you’re always late, make a routine of getting ready 30 minutes earlier than you usually do. This way, you’ll have more time in the morning to spend with your partner instead of rushing around like crazy people!

29. Draw on each other’s faces at breakfast before work or school – it will get you both smiling even on the worst of days.

30. Buy a cool coffee mug for your partner and write a cute message on it to let them know you’re thinking of them when they’re drinking their morning coffee! Things like “my love,” “best friend,” or even just a simple heart can do the trick.

31. When laying in bed in the mornings, make a point to reach out and hold hands for a little bit. It’ll make you both feel closer in case this is not your usual morning routine.

32. If possible, eat breakfast in bed with your partner when you can instead of at the dining room table or in front of the TV – it will lighten up your morning!

How to Be a Better Lover

33. Make a habit of looking at the clock when you get out of bed every morning so that you have an actual idea of how long you have to spend with your partner before work or school starts. This way, you’ll know exactly what time to get ready for work or school to see them for a few minutes.

34. Have separate alarm clocks next to your bed so that you both get up at the same time and can lay in bed together for an extra 10 or 20 minutes. It’ll help you connect before heading out of the door!

Make sure to set different tones, though – this will prevent both of you from rushing around in the morning because you’re trying to figure out which alarm clock is going off!

35. Swap out your shower curtains for a new one with a picture on it that relates to both of you. This will be a fun way to start the day!

36. If your partner runs late to work every morning, ask them to leave 15 minutes earlier than they usually do. This way, you can still have a few moments of peace before you both head off in different directions!

37. If your partner is always late for school or work and it’s causing some stress on both of your ends, start waking up and getting ready earlier than usual. This way, your partner will be able to stop in and say goodbye without much of a hassle!

38. If you usually meet up with your partner at the bus stop before school or work, start walking together for a few minutes every morning – it’ll get both of your hearts pumping and put a smile on your face!

39. Make a morning calendar together for the entire month that you can print off and stick to your fridge or pin to your bedroom wall. This way, you’ll always be on top of each other’s schedules throughout the day!

40. At night, before you go to sleep, make plans with your partner for the next day like: dinner plans, a date night, or what you’re going to do first thing in the morning. This will put your partner and yourself at ease before heading off from each other!

Final Thought

How to Be a Better Lover? As you can see from all of these tips, starting your day off right with your partner is important in creating an amazing relationship. If you’re always stressed out in the morning because it’s just one more thing to add to your list of things to do before work or school starts, then you’ll never be able to appreciate the little moments that come before your day truly begins.

Suppose you’re already one of those people who starts their morning off on a good note and establishes a solid connection with your partner before you head out. Congratulations! You’ve got it down pat and know exactly what to do to make the most of your relationship.

But if you’re not, don’t worry! There’s always room for improvement, and it’s never too late to change your ways, especially when it comes to starting right with your partner in the morning. These tips provided should have given you a good idea about where to start from now on – remember always to try your best and never give up!