We live in social media-driven culture. We are constantly being told how we should look, act, and feel. It is not easy to be confident when so many people are judging you online. But there are some ways and confidence hacks that you can increase your confidence and become more assertive – without the need for any external validation! This blog post will tell you 15 hacks to boost your self-esteem and allow yourself to shine on the inside as well as out!
Start your day on a positive note by repeating to yourself, “I am enough.”
Starting a day with positivity is the best confidence hack – it sets the tone for your day and boosts your self-esteem. Whether you’re going to work, class, or just about anywhere else, repeat this mantra in your head: “I am enough.”
The next one of confidence hacks is a little more time-consuming but worth every minute! Write down five things you are good at (at least one can be physical). Once finished, read through what you wrote again and highlight all of the sentences where you have used the words “am” and “are.” When reading these highlighted phrases aloud, add emphasis on those two words by saying them louder than any other word.
Find a role model and study their life.
If you want to be more confident, you need to be inspired. The quickest way to find a role model is to study someone’s life story and then see what they did in their lives that made them so successful. And while it may seem like difficult work, it will make your goals much clearer for the future and how confident you want to feel as well. You might not have ever considered this before, but sometimes looking up someone else’s background can be very inspiring.
To become more self-confident, start by reading through biographies of happy people or at least satisfied with themselves (even if it’s just one person). This process has been shown over the years that this type of inspiration can help boost our confidence.
Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for in your life
Think about all the things in your life that you usually take for granted and appreciate what they mean to you (i.e., family or friends).
If anything on this list feels overwhelming or difficult, think of ways to change it up until it’s at an easier level: get help from a friend/family member; meditate more often; sleep well every night; use distraction techniques such as playing video games when feeling anxious instead of dwelling on these thoughts.
Learn how to say no when people ask too much of you or take advantage of your time and energy

One way to build your confidence is by learning how to say no. There’s nothing wrong with saying “no” when you’re being asked for too much of your time or energy, and there are many ways that people can find value in the word “no.”
Saying NO: I will not do what you want me to do because it will hurt my goals; I don’t have enough resources right now- if we had more resources, then yes! If not, sorry! No means a resounding YES! To myself. Saying no empowers me and builds my self-esteem. Learning this skill starts small with simply knowing which things are worth saying no over (or not).
Practice self-compassion by permitting yourself to do something nice for yourself each day
Self-compassion is one of the great confidence hacks. We all deserve to do something nice for ourselves each day. It can be anything, so long as it is self-care in some form. This could mean permitting yourself to take a half-hour break from work or going on an outing with friends you don’t often see
Self-compassion allows us to forgive mistakes we make and let go of the guilt that might otherwise come up when things aren’t perfect 100% of the time. When we’re kinder towards ourselves, there’s more space left over for positivity about our efforts and accomplishments.
It also helps us have greater compassion – not just sympathy but true empathy – for others struggling because they know what it feels like themselves.
When feeling down, write about what is bothering you without censoring anything; then throw it away or burn it after so that all those bad feelings are gone forever!
Sometimes, you may feel bored and want to do something new, so you must try different things and experiences.
If you are feeling down or anxious, put on your favorite song and turn up the volume!
It can be hard for some people to take compliments given by others without minimizing what they said or deflecting their praise with self-deprecating comments– this negative behavior will only lead to lower esteem in the long run.
Try writing a list of achievable goals today; then, each day, cross off an item from the list as soon as it has been completed (breaking larger tasks into smaller ones helps).
Compile a list of things that make YOU happy
Compile a list of things that make YOU feel good about yourself, like favorite foods, colors, hobbies, etc.; keep adding items as they come up until the list is complete!
- Favorite food
- Favorite color
- Hobbies and interests
This will help you identify your preferences and give you more confidence in what makes YOU happy. It will also remind you that nobody can tell you who to be or how to act; only YOU know what’s best for YOU!
Create an affirmation playlist with songs that remind us who we are deep down inside – every song should be uplifting and inspiring!

You can create a playlist on your computer or burn a CD by taking the following steps:
- Make sure you have enough room for all of your songs.
- Create a folder with an easy name to remember, such as “My Playlist.”
- Drag and drop every song into that folder one at a time.
- Double click on each audio file to get more information about it and make any necessary adjustments (volume).
This will allow you to view the date it was last modified, rename if needed, delete or move around within the playlist without worrying about accidentally deleting something important. You may also create subfolders inside this main folder if desired. Be creative!
Take a deep breath to calm yourself down.
You may be bored by the tedious work or life in general. Deep breathing can help to calm you down and relax your mind.
It is important to take care of yourself during stressful times, so deep breath when you feel bored and try not to lose self-confidence because this will only make things worse for you.
Fake it until you make it – act confident even if you don’t feel that way
Fake it until you make it – act confident even if you don’t feel that way. Acting more assertively will help to reinforce the feeling of confidence
- wear good quality clothes, shoes, and jewelry
- put on your best perfume or cologne before heading out for an important meeting
- groom yourself well with a clean haircut, manicure, and pedicure
- stand up straight when standing
When wearing contact lenses, make sure they’re not blurry. This may cause people to think less of you due to subliminal messages that appear blurred – it is also advised never present information on PowerPoint slides that are distorted (fuzzy). This is just one example where making small adjustments can affect how others perceive us.
Focus on your accomplishments, not your shortcomings

Confidence does not come overnight. It is developed over time. Focus on your accomplishments, not your shortcomings.
Don’t spend hours obsessing about all the things that have gone wrong in life while neglecting to do anything productive. Please spend some time every day cultivating yourself into a better person who can then be confident in themselves and their abilities.
An affirmation list helps improve self-esteem by reminding oneself of what they want and affirming one’s worthiness, lovability, and capability for success – use positive words like “I am” instead of negative ones like “I’m not.” Make affirmations short but effective (i.e., I am worthy;
Smile more often and laugh at yourself when you do something silly
Smile and laugh is the best way to boost your mood and confidence. It will make you feel more like yourself and give others the chance to enjoy what you have to share. Smiling is also a way of letting people know that they are appreciated, so don’t be shy about it! If laughter gives you joy, laugh at yourself when you do something silly or embarrassing.
Stop comparing yourself to others.
If you think you are the best and don’t compare yourself to others, you will be the best. If you’re not happy with yourself just yet and compare yourself to other people, don’t! Instead of doing that, you should compare your weaknesses versus theirs because they may seem less strong than yours.
Stop thinking about what other people think too much and start focusing on how YOU feel in this moment. The more time you spend worrying about what people might say or do, the wasted opportunity spent not living life fully. Be confident! If someone doesn’t like who we are as individuals, let them go. It’s nothing personal; it’s their loss.
Volunteer for an organization or event that you believe in
You can do volunteer for a local organization or event that you believe in. Volunteering gives you a sense of purpose and self-worth, especially if the volunteer work doesn’t always have tangible results. You will also learn new skills, make friends and learn more about yourself. Many people who go through tough times find volunteering helpful for their mental health. It’s not only engaging, but it can be therapeutic to help others when they are going through difficult periods.
If there isn’t an opportunity near where you live, then try connecting with different organizations online so that your efforts can help someone living elsewhere.
Find a mentor who is more experienced than you are
An experienced mentor can help you to build self-confidence. They can also share their experiences with you and help to guide your path. A mentor is a person who gives their time, energy, and wisdom to help a less experienced person grow.
Find someone who has already been where you want to go but isn’t writing job ads for it anymore — they’re still in the game! Learn from them about how they got there, what helped or hindered them along the way (and why), and what other challenges await in your future. Ask questions like: “What would you tell yourself if this were five years ago?” “How do I set up goals that work with my strengths rather than against me?” Get feedback on your ideas from people who have done it before so that when obstacles arise, you’ll know how to respond confidently.
Set goals and make them public
You must have a goal to build your confidence. Set personal goals and make them public, so you have someone else who can hold you accountable for reaching them.
Write down what makes you uncomfortable or scared, then address the issue head-on in a safe environment with others before confronting the fear alone. This will allow you to process any negative emotions about those issues beforehand and come up with solutions going forward.
Ask yourself daily: “What would I do if there were no limits?” And take small steps each day towards fulfilling these dreams by launching an online business idea one blog post at a time! Remember that as long as we’re still breathing, nothing is impossible; everything is possible!
Summing Up,
It cannot be easy to feel confident when you don’t know where your life is going or what you want out of it. The good news is that there are many ways to build confidence and improve self-esteem, even if you’re feeling lost at the moment. We’ve put together a list of some hacks for building more confidence below; try incorporating them into your daily routine and see how they work for you! Which one sounds like something that will help get you started?