Good time management and sticking to a plan can be difficult. How do you stay motivated? What should your plan consist of? Do you want to stick to the plan always? These are the questions we’ll answer in this blog post. We’ll discuss 40 ways that will help you stick with your plan, including sticking with it when other people don’t want you to, sticking with it even if there is an obstacle in front of you, sticking with it when things get hard, and sticking to the right priorities.
Here are 40 ideas and tips to help you stick with your weight loss or fitness plan.
These tips can be used whether you’re on a diet, trying to eat healthier, working out regularly, or just sticking with your new year’s resolutions!
1) Maintain good eating habits at all times
Don’t let yourself get off track just because you had a bad day or ate something you didn’t mean to. It’s important to maintain good eating habits all the time, so you don’t fall back into your old patterns.
2) Have a plan for when you’re tempted to cheat
If you know you’re going to be at a party or out with friends, and you’ll be tempted to eat unhealthy foods, have a plan in place ahead of time. Maybe bring a healthy dish to share or eat a light snack before you go so you’re not starving when you get there.
3) Get rid of unhealthy foods from your house

If unhealthy foods are readily available, it’s going to be much harder to stick with your diet or healthy eating plan. Get rid of all junk food and stock your kitchen with healthy foods instead so you’ll automatically be eating better.
4) Be prepared for cravings and temptation
If you know you’re going to be very tempted by unhealthy foods or that there will be a lot of junk food available, try to think ahead about how you’re going to resist it. Maybe visualize yourself eating healthy foods instead or have a mantra that you can repeat to yourself when temptation strikes.
5) Make sure you’re getting enough protein
Protein is essential for building muscle and losing weight, so make sure you’re getting enough of it every day. Try to include some high-protein foods in every meal and snack.
6) Try to eat slowly and stop when you’re full
Eating too fast can lead to eating more than you intended. If you pace yourself, it’s easier to remember how much you’ve eaten and will help prevent overeating. Plus, it takes some time for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s had enough food, so eating slowly will help you stop eating when you’re full.
7) Don’t deprive yourself
If you’re always denying yourself your favorite foods, you’re going to be much more likely to cheat on your diet. Allow yourself to eat your favorite foods in moderation, and you’ll be less likely to overindulge.
8) Drink plenty of water
Water is essential for good health and can help keep you feeling full. Make sure you’re drinking enough water every day, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.
9) Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to cravings and overeating, so make sure you’re getting enough sleep every night. Aim for 7 to 9 hours a night so you can stay healthy and have enough energy to exercise or work out at the gym.
10) Prepare your meals ahead of time
If you prepare all your meals in advance, it will be much easier to stick with your diet plan or healthy eating habits. Meal prepping can help you stay on track while also saving money.
11) Find a workout buddy
Working out with a friend is a great way to stay motivated and accountable. You’ll be less likely to skip your workout if you know someone is waiting for you.
12) Get a Fitbit or other activity tracker
Knowing how many steps you’ve taken every day makes it much easier to get in enough exercise. Get an activity tracker to stay motivated and see your progress over time.
13) Work out with friends or family
Working out with other people is a great way to stay motivated and have fun. Plus, working out with family and friends can make it feel less like a chore.
14) Make a workout plan
If you have a specific workout plan, it will be much easier to stay on track. Choose exercises that you enjoy doing and make sure the routine is challenging enough, so you’re constantly progressing.
15) Take before and after pictures
When you start working out and exercising, it can be easy to lose motivation along the way. Take before and after pictures so you can track your progress and see how far you’ve come.
16) Reward yourself
When you meet a goal or complete a healthy activity, reward yourself! It will motivate you to keep going and make it feel like an accomplishment.
17) Keep a food journal

Write down everything you eat or drink each day if you’re trying to lose weight. It can be hard to remember what you’ve eaten throughout the day, so writing it all down will help keep you accountable. Plus, it helps track your calorie intake and figure out what you need to change.
18) Get enough sunlight
Getting enough sunlight can help you boost your mood, mental health, sleep quality, and energy levels. So make sure you’re getting outside every day.
19) Take a break from social media
Social media can be distracting and make it more tempting to stray from your goals. Take a break from social media or delete the apps off of your phone so you’re not tempted by constant updates and food photos all day long. It can also be helpful to unfollow accounts that make you feel bad about yourself.
20) Enjoy some relaxation time each day
Relaxation is essential for good health. Make sure you’re taking some time each day to relax, whether it’s through meditation, deep breathing exercises, getting a massage, or cuddling with your pets!
21) Be kind to yourself
No one is perfect, and that includes you. If you mess up somewhere along the way, don’t beat yourself up about it. Be kind to yourself and start fresh the next day.
22) Visualize your success
Visualization is a great way to stay motivated. Picture yourself achieving your goals or completing your healthy activities. It can help you stay focused and driven to succeed.
23) Anticipate obstacles
Frequently, it’s a lot easier to prevent something from happening than it is to try and fix the problem once it has already happened. Anticipate when you might have an obstacle so you can be prepared for whatever comes your way!
24) Track what you eat
If you don’t know how many calories or grams of protein you’re eating each day, it’s going to be a lot harder to stick to your diet plan. Track what you eat using an app or a food journal to know where you need to make changes.
25) Find healthy alternatives to your favorite foods
If you’re struggling to stick with your diet, find healthy alternatives to your favorite unhealthy foods. For example, if you’re struggling with pizza cravings, try making a cauliflower crust or use avocado instead of cheese.
26) Make it fun!

Exercise doesn’t have to be boring! Find creative ways to make working out fun. Whether you love biking, hiking, playing sports, or dancing, find ways to incorporate your favorite activities into your workouts.
27) Exercise with a friend
Working out can be more fun when you do it with friends. Plus, having someone to motivate and push you will make it easier to stick with your plan.
28) Engage in mindful eating
Mindful eating is a great way to be more aware of your food and eat more healthily. Pay attention to the colors, smells, and textures of your food. Chew slowly and savor every bite.
29) Get a good night’s sleep
Getting enough sleep is essential for good health. Ensure you’re getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night, so you have enough energy for the day.
30) Take a break from alcohol
If you’re trying to lose weight, taking a break from drinking can be super helpful. Alcohol usually contains many calories, and it can make it easier to stray from your diet plan. Plus, it’s a good idea to break from drinking, so you don’t develop any unhealthy alcohol habits.
31) Avoid temptations
If certain foods or activities tend to tempt you, try to avoid them as much as possible. This might mean avoiding the grocery store or staying away from your friends who love to go out to eat.
32) Make your goals specific and measurable
Having specific, measurable goals is a great way to stay motivated! Instead of just saying you’re going to lose weight, come up with ways to measure your progress, like wearing the same outfit every time you weigh yourself.
33) Acknowledge your mistakes or slip-ups

Nobody’s perfect, and sometimes you’re going to mess up. When this happens, please don’t beat yourself up about it! Acknowledge your mistake, learn from it, and move on.
34) Stick to a routine
Having a routine can make sticking to your plan a lot easier. If you have specific times for meal prepping, exercising, and relaxing, you’ll be less likely to skip out on those healthy activities.
35) Discuss your goals with friends or family
Having support from the people around you can help you stay motivated. Let your family and friends know what you’re trying to accomplish so they can help keep you accountable.
36) Make a list of non-scale victories
When you’re trying to lose weight, the number on the scale can feel discouraging. Instead of just focusing on your progress in terms of how much weight you’re losing, focus on things like how your clothes fit and how good you feel when you eat healthily.
37) Reward yourself for your accomplishments
When you reach a goal, reward yourself with something not food-related. This could be anything from taking a weekend trip to buying you a new book.
38) Avoid comparing yourself to others
Comparing yourself to other people is never a good idea. Everyone is different and has unique challenges to overcome. Instead of focusing on what other people are doing, focus on yourself.
39) Read inspiring quotes
Spend time reading inspirational quotes every morning and night so you can start your day or wind down positively. These quotes will help you refocus when you’re struggling with temptation or negativity.
40) Keep a journal
Keeping a journal can be a great way to track your progress and stay motivated. You can write down your thoughts, feelings, and accomplishments in your journal so you can look back on them later and see how far you’ve come.
Do you want to stick to the plan always? We hope that this guide has helped you stick to your goals or given you some new ideas on how to do so. You can always come back here for more tips and tricks if these strategies are not working out for you! If there is anything else we can help with, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy sticking!