There are many ways to live your life. But what if you could live on purpose? Imagine waking up each morning with the knowledge that every day of your life is an opportunity for growth, love, and happiness. What would your days look like? This blog post shares 15 simple strategies that will help you live a more fulfilling, meaningful life.
Find your purpose and live it.
What is the aim or purpose of your life? Do you know? The first step to living a life on purpose is asking yourself that question. Many people live their lives without knowing what the ultimate goal is – and that’s not good.
To have a fulfilled life, it’s necessary for there to be meaning behind everything we do in our day-to-day existence.
So if we don’t know why we’re doing something, then stop doing it! If you can find your reason for being here on this earth and start working towards achieving your goals, you’ll find that every day becomes more fulfilling because you are now using your resources wisely.
Live a life of integrity.
Everyone has a different definition of the word integrity.
Integrity is defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.”
But what does this mean? If someone were to ask you, would you be able to tell them exactly what it means to live a life with integrity?
What if I told you that living in alignment with your true purpose has everything to do with living out a life of integrity?
You see, when we are on our path – doing things that feel like they matter – then there’s no need for us to compromise our values or who we truly are. We make decisions from love rather than fear when we’re following our heart’s desires.
Spend less time on social media
To be successful and live on purpose, people need to prioritize their time and spend less on social media. The average person spends three hours and four minutes a day on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other form of social media. That’s 20 days out of the year!
This may not seem like that much, but this doesn’t consider all the time spent looking at pictures when someone posts them in your feed, whether you are scrolling or waiting for something to load. In addition, many people spend their entire workday browsing through content from these channels as they catch up with friends throughout the day while working! We now know that every second we stare at our phone screens takes away from important moments in life.
Be grateful for what you have, not what you don’t have
Human beings have a bad habit of always comparing themselves to others and thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. It’s not!
Money gives us this false sense of security, but in reality, all we need are our loved ones around us and a roof over our heads. You don’t need an expensive car or new clothes because you’re happy with what you have and who cares if people think you’re old? There will ALWAYS be someone richer than you, prettier than you, etc., so stop dwelling on these thoughts. Be grateful for what you have right now instead of focusing on things that can never happen, like being rich or having perfect skin. The best way to live life is by living it day-by-day, appreciating everything life.
Take more risks in your life.

It is said that ‘No Risk, No Gain’ and this is true for our lives. Daily, we make many decisions, and some of those decisions will involve risk-taking.
For example, if you have a job offer that pays more money but has fewer benefits than another company’s offer – which do you take? It all depends on what your priorities are in life.
The same can be said about relationships or anything else where there are risks involved with the decision to pursue it or not. This type of lifestyle choice is all about deciding how much risk someone wants to live with to achieve their desired results from life.
No one person knows exactly what they want out of a situation, so recognizing when those moments come up in everyday life allows people the opportunity.
Make time to be with friends and family.
To be happy in life important to have a healthy relationship with others– even if they can’t fully understand where we’re coming from. The most loving thing we can do for ourselves sometimes (not all the time) is set boundaries around our lives, but remember, this doesn’t mean cutting off ties completely! The family will always be blood regardless of how many contacts we have. It’s important to make time for friends and family.
We all need people in our lives who are going through the same things as us, so we should try to connect with those who understand what life can be like at times.
Having a great support system makes everything better because they know how you feel when you get down about something or when you’re happy about something. They will always have your back no matter what, so put more effort into being around them.
Take a deep breath
A deep breath can help clear your head. Breathing deeply can reduce stress-related tension and anxiety, calm you down from an argument, or relax when feeling tense in waiting rooms or airports.
It’s also a great way to get rid of negative energy before bedtime so that it doesn’t keep you up all night with worry!
Take as many deep breaths as needed throughout the day–try this during stressful moments (such as sitting at a traffic light) or times when you need relief from anxious thoughts. It only takes about five minutes for breathing exercises to be effective!
Ask yourself what you want and how to get it.
One of the greatest ways to live on purpose is to be clear on what you want and how you’re going to get it.
This is different from just having goals or plans for your life, but being able to articulate in a way that will bring clarity and an understanding of the resources needed before undertaking any goal.
If we don’t know our destination, then how can we even begin? And yet, this question should not be limited by thoughts of only work, money, or other tangible things because all answers are equally important: family time with loved ones, opportunities for self-expression through creativity, and exploring one’s interests.
Make a plan for the next day.

Your next-day plan leads you to live on purpose. One of the most common causes for people to feel stressed is because they have no idea what’s going on. Knowing that you are heading into a day with a plan, and even if it might be simple like “I need to buy groceries,” will help reduce your stress levels. Write out how you expect things to go in advance so that when something happens or doesn’t happen according to this plan, you can calmly adjust accordingly without feeling thrown off track by surprise events. The biggest difference between those who live their lives on purpose versus those who don’t live their lives on purpose often comes down to planning and being intentional about living one’s life each day.
Please write down your goals and review them each morning
A goal will make your life purposeful, and you can achieve goals easily because they are all in one place. So for this morning is the best time to make your goals and review them.
If you have a goal, then it will help you throughout the day because whenever you want to do something but forget about that one thing which is supposed to be done, such as forgetting about cooking or cleaning things up, etc., then this should remind you of what needs to be done so there won’t happen any conflict in your life.
It’s not always easy for us, but we can set small steps towards our big goal by taking care of making new ones each morning. After setting those goals, all other decisions are easier and clearer because now we know how much effort we need to put into doing certain tasks at home or work.
Get enough sleep every night
Sound sleep helps you feel rested, reduces stress and anxiety. Sleep deprivation is linked to many diseases such as obesity and heart disease.
Use the bed for sleep and sex only! Do not look at your phone or tablet in bed. Keep a consistent sleep schedule by waking up around the same time each day, even on weekends.
Eat healthy food at least three times per day.
It is said, ‘Health is wealth.” A healthy body keeps you thinking positively and feeling great. When we are ill, our energy is zapped, and it feels like our life force has been drained from us. It’s hard to do anything when your health isn’t good–no matter how much money or time you have!
Try the following ways to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables: *make a meal plan for the week with plenty of products that can be easily incorporated into each day’s meals; *buy some organic apples now so they will be ready when you get hungry later in the day; *try making an easy green smoothie using spinach, beetroot, kale, apple juice/cider vinegar (for sweetness), filtered water as needed.
Determine your purpose
For what are you living in this world? Stay awake and aware of your purpose so you can make decisions that are in alignment with it.
Determine what’s important to you right now, such as family, friendships, or career. Make time for these elements regularly and allow them to inform the big choices you will need to make about life direction. This doesn’t have to be a decision made today; simply identifying these priorities is enough at this point.
Ask yourself: “What do I want my legacy to be?” What would people say about me if I died tomorrow? How does living on purpose help me achieve those goals and dreams? These questions may seem daunting at first, but they’re worth considering carefully because we live our lives on purpose.
Get rid of unhelpful habits that are holding you back from reaching your goals (smoking, drinking, gambling)

To live on purpose, get rid of any unhelpful habits that hold you back from reaching your goals. It’s one thing to want better for yourself, but if it isn’t backed up by action, then it’s meaningless.
For example, Smoking may be relaxing and fun, but the long-term effects of smoking are not very appealing, like increased risk of heart disease and decreased lung function. Drinking can help a person feel free or experience feelings they otherwise won’t in their sober mind; however, alcohol is also addictive and often leads to bad decisions such as drunk driving accidents, which could lead to death due to severe injuries sustained during an accident or even being too intoxicated when operating heavy machinery or performing surgery on someone else with dire consequences.
Focus on what is going well in life and celebrate those moments
Focus on what is going well in life and celebrate those moments. One of the most destructive things we can do is keep worrying about what could go wrong or what did go wrong, dwelling on past failures instead of learning from them for future success. When you focus on your successes rather than your setbacks, it becomes easier to recognize opportunities and seize them when they present themselves.
Start by taking five minutes each day to reflect upon one thing that went well that day (or throughout the week) — this will help make sure that you are not succumbing to negativity or self-pity. And then spend a few moments celebrating! For example: take a moment to savor something delicious, call up an old friend who made you laugh out loud.
Bottom Line,
Living a life of integrity, spending less time on social media, being grateful for what you have, not focusing on what you don’t have, taking more risks in your life, and making plans to make your dreams come true are all ways to live with purpose. To help along the way, we’ve provided some tips from other people who have found their purpose or mentors that helped them find it. If any of these ideas speak to you or if they seem like something worth trying out, then get started today! You deserve happiness right now, so why wait?