It’s important to spread positivity in the world. This blog post is all about spreading positivity and letting go of negativity. Many people live with the belief that spreading negativity will make them feel better, but this can’t be further from the truth. If you want to boost your mood and improve your life, you need to look at these 40 ways of spreading positivity!
1 – Stop Complaining; the World Hates Negativity
This may seem like a no-brainer, but seriously, stop complaining. When you complain, it’s like you’re telling the world that things are bad and you don’t appreciate what you already have.
People who complain about their lives always seem unhappy. They’re probably not as lucky as they think they are.
Also, the World hates negativity. The World is home to all of us, and we need to take care of each other to live in harmony. When you complain about things, it’s like you’re telling the world that you’re not happy with your situation and want something else. If nobody were ever negative and unhappy with their situations, the world would be better.
Think about this: if everyone just made the best of what they had and were grateful for it, then why would anyone need to complain? That’s because complaining essentially means “I’m not happy with what I have so given me something else.” Now ask yourself, why should people care enough about you to give you something else when they have their own lives to live? They shouldn’t.
2 – Be Grateful for Everything

If there’s anything in my life I truly don’t appreciate, then I can bet that it’ll be taken away from me or lost forever. People take things for granted all the time. We may complain about them, but we don’t appreciate them as much as we should.
If somebody passes away, you may think that it’s horrible and that you can’t live without them. You’re wrong; life will go on, whether or not you like it. I lost my mom to a car accident when I was a little kid, and I’m still here. You can’t do anything about the past, so learn from it and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes again.
If somebody takes something away from you, then they don’t care for it as much as you did. Maybe that person damaged or destroyed something because their priorities differed from yours. If you didn’t want to lose it in the first place, then you should have treasured it more when you had it.
3 – Remember that All Good Things Come to an End
Except for life itself, everything has a lifespan. It’s not bad at all; in fact, I’m grateful for everything I have. I know that if it’s good, then it’ll end someday. What is there to be sad about?
Many people think they can’t live without something or someone they care for. It may seem like all is lost when you don’t have something important to you anymore, but trust me, life continues. You can’t be mad at the world for your problems; you made them happen.
Why does everything end? It’s not always because of something you did, like breaking up with someone or getting fired from your job. Sometimes, it just has to do with time and circumstances beyond our control. The good things do come back, though. This year I lost my job, but I’m getting a better one next year. The point is; you can’t do anything about the past, so learn from it and make sure that when something good happens again, you appreciate it more than ever before.
4 – Have Fun!
You should always be having fun in your life, no matter what you do. It’s very easy to get mad at the world for taking away important things from you. I’ve been through it myself; losing my mom was one of the worst things I could ever go through. However, if you use all of your negative emotions toward something positive, then you’ll be able to smile.
What I mean is that you should use all of your anger and hatred toward something fun! This way, the thing that drove you nuts will not only become a distant memory, but it would have helped bring a smile to somebody else’s face as well. Why argue over things when 1) life isn’t fair and 2) you can make it better?
5 – Help Others
When you help others, it helps you. This is because there are always people out there who need your help more than you realize. If every person cared about themselves, the world would be a very selfish place indeed!
It’s very easy to get stuck in your little bubble and not care about what happens in the world around you. I know that I’m guilty of it, too; whenever something bad happened in my life, like losing my mom, all I did was cry and sulk in self-pity.
However, if you get involved and help others, you’ll find that things get a lot better for you. Whether it’s offering advice to somebody struggling or giving food and water to the homeless, anything helps.
6 – Caring

It’s not enough to be nice; you should care about what happens in the world.
Sometimes you have to put yourself aside and see the bigger picture. How many times have you been happy for somebody else, even though you weren’t feeling so great about your own life? This is a perfect example of really caring about what happens in other people’s lives. You don’t just feel sorry for them; you feel happy for them.
Caring does make a difference, even if you think it’s only small. You don’t have to be involved in politics or anything serious like that; just be caring and watch how many positive things happen around you!
7 – Stop Complaining About Your Job
We all have our bad days when we’re at work, but if you complain about it, then you’re just wasting your time.
I’ve been there before, the person who complains all of the time and never does anything to change their situation. It’s not healthy, and it doesn’t do any good either. Once again, this is all part of caring about other people’s lives instead of your own.
8 – Live Without Clocks
I mean that you should not use clocks to tell what time it is. Age, date, season; all of these things are important aspects of life too!
As soon as you put that clock or watch on in the morning, you’re starting your day wrong. You need to appreciate the natural order of things in life and stop controlling it!
9 – Get Rid of Clocks
Now, I know that some people are okay with their clocks; this is not about forcing everybody else to get rid of them. It’s very important for you not to use a clock.
Think about this: how is it going to be when you’re old, and you can’t tell what time it is? How’s that going to feel? I’m sure that the lack of time would drive anybody crazy!
10 – Take Responsibility

Stop pushing your problems onto other people, especially if you know they can’t help.
This is one of many ways to stop caring about what happens in other people’s lives and start caring more about your own life. It’s frustrating having to deal with somebody else’s emotional baggage; it does not do anybody any good!
11 – Spend Time Alone
Even if you’re in a relationship, sometimes it’s good to spend some time alone. This is because every person needs their own space, and your partner needs theirs as well.
Make sure that you take these times for yourself; don’t just do something with somebody else because that doesn’t help anybody! Even if this means arranging “time alone” with somebody else.
12 – Don’t Be Afraid to Let Go
Letting go of things is very important for your life, as long as those things are not hurting anybody. If you’re holding onto grudges and other negative emotions, then it’s time to let them all go!
Holding onto anger and hate does not do anybody any good; in fact, it’s dangerous and can lead to violence and other crimes. Make sure that you let go of bad things for your mind, body, and soul!
13 – Stop Worrying
Worrying is a waste of time because it never helps anything! When you’re worrying, you’re wasting your time and energy on something that will never help.
Think about this: if anything goes wrong, then it will probably happen anyway! And if it is meant to be a part of the big plan (whatever that may be), then there’s no need for you to worry!
14 – Replace Your Fears
Whatever you’re afraid of, replace those fears with faith. Fear is a negative and horrible feeling, and it should never be experienced by anybody who doesn’t have to! If you don’t want any bad things to happen, believe that they won’t happen!
15 – Let Go of Your Pride
It’s just a bad and stupid feeling that causes nothing but problems. If you want to start caring more about other people, let go of your pride. I know this sounds stupid and cliche, but it’s true!
16 – Stop Being Negative
Nobody likes or wants to be around a negative person. This is because all that negativity does nothing but hurt everybody else!
Being mean to other people is not going to help anybody; in fact, it’s going to make matters worse. So stop being so negative and start caring about everybody else’s feelings!
17 – Stop Trying for More
If you’re trying to be better than everybody else, then that’s a bad thing. This is because the competition between people causes nothing but arguments and violence!
18 – Stop Being Selfish
Sometimes you need to do things for yourself instead of what other people want. This is because every person needs their own space and time, and they mustn’t forget about themselves.
But in the end, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you’re not hurting anybody. Think of yourself and be selfish sometimes; make sure that this is okay with everybody else!
19 – Care About Other People
If you want to start caring about other people, you need to stop thinking about yourself and how they can make you happy. The chances are that nobody will make you happy; this is because happiness comes from within!
20 – Smile More Often

Smiling more often will help other people smile more as well. Just the simple fact of smiling has been proven to make people happier!
21 – Stop Ruminating
Ruminating is the act of thinking back on events that have already happened, usually to a point where they are exaggerated. This means that you’re letting your thoughts run wild, and it’s never good for anybody.
If somebody says something mean to you, it’s best to let it go and move on with your day. There’s no point in ruminating and letting those thoughts control you; because this will not do anybody any good!
22 – Accept Yourself
Many people have trouble accepting themselves because they don’t think they’re as good as others. This is, of course, a bunch of hogwash!
Everybody in the world has their strengths and weaknesses. You need to find out what makes you different from everybody else and embrace that about yourself.
There are several different ways to spread positivity, but it is important to start doing it. Once you practice these steps in your life, then there’s no possible way that you won’t be feeling better! Just remember that being negative does nothing but hurt everybody else. It’s also harder for people to be negative and positive simultaneously, so it’s best to start caring about everybody else and doing what makes you happy.
And that’s all there is to spreading positivity! Hopefully, you’ve learned a little bit more about how positivity will make your life better and how negative feelings can only hurt you in the end. So stop being negative and start doing what makes you happy!